What position does Georgina occupy in the fashion industry? experts speak

By : ujikiu / On : 14/02/2022


Before the premiere of her own reality show, 'Yo soy Georgina', several professionals from the sector analyze the figure of Georgina Rodríguez to explain the keys to the success of the Spanish

By Alvaro Rey

Fashion was always one of the pillars of her life, however, as the slogan of her premiered reality show explains, "before she sold bags and now she collects them." The former Gucci saleswoman never imagined that she could become a global icon, but five years ago her life changed when she fell in love with one of the most persecuted men on the planet.

Businesswoman, model, influencer, creator of her own clothing firm, Georgina Rodríguez seems to live by and for the industry. Jaca's not only accumulates millions of fans on her social networks, thanks to her very own style, but her dressing room is home to exclusive luxury garments: Gaultier, Cavalli... Everyone struggles to dress her. Now, where is her figure in the world of fashion?

“It is indisputable that Georgina occupies a prominent place within the industry, not only has she been on the cover of magazines such as 'Cosmopolitan', 'Paris Match' or 'Vogue', but she also has almost 30 million followers on Instagram; her ability as a prescriber is immense”, affirms Yolanda Sacristán, director of The NewsRoom.

A power with which she agrees with her partner Alberto Espinosa, deputy director of the magazine 'Fearless': “She is a fashion icon for her almost thirty million followers. With so many followers you can be almost whatever you want, because you will have more visibility and audience than any fashion magazine”.

There is no doubt that Georgina Rodríguez has a huge influence on the youngest, due to her representation of a new conception of style, more comfortable and sexy. “From a marketing perspective, Georgina impacts a very defined audience. Her audience is mostly female, with an age range between 15 and 30 years old, and a high variability in terms of average purchasing power, ”adds Adrián Corchero, branding specialist.

However, the success of Cristiano Ronaldo's partner hides a very powerful weapon. “Georgina's story is an essential hallmark in her appeal, bringing her closer to her target audience without significant publicity efforts. This, added to a continuous appearance in the media and a permanent collaboration with brands of maximum reach, consolidate its position as a benchmark. Georgina is proof that you can become what you dream of, regardless of your origin”, explains the specialist.

A key that seems common in the analysis among experts. “Georgina connects with young people, because she comes from a world with which a large part of the population identifies. Georgina makes space on the covers for real women, who fulfill her dreams. In the end, a woman about whom they know almost everything will always be closer than a model who, although beautiful and elegant, is still an idealization, who sells less every day”, also assures Alberto Espinosa, deputy director of 'Fearless' .

“Today the very artificial image does not work, the most important thing is to be authentic. The public wants to identify with someone real, someone who goes through or has gone through similar situations or experiences. Although it is a stereotype of beauty with an incredible physique, you can see in Georgina someone you know, a friend”, concludes the GAU Collection designer, Sergio Gau.

A naturalness found not only in her way of being, but also in her closet full of tracksuits and slippers. She herself explains during the first episode of 'I am Georgina' her taste for luxury brands like Gucci or Prada, but at the same time her love for Decathlon. In addition, the businesswoman feels misunderstood in her struggle to combine jewelry with sportswear.

“Her style of hers resembles that of certain American reality stars and characters. Her taste for tightness, marked makeup or exuberant dresses make us compare her to certain personalities such as the Kardashians, who undoubtedly have an enormous influence on the public around the world, "says Carlos Roca, image consultant for luxury firms in the Experience 27 boutique.

The director of The NewsRoom, Yolanda Sacristán, goes one step further: “The key to her style is freshness. In addition, it has undergone an evolution, it has changed remarkably from its beginnings to today. I see a lot of potential in her, she is current, she has a long way to go to continue growing”.

Current, a fundamental term to explain the Jaca phenomenon, which perfectly defines the turn towards streetwear to which the industry has been subjected in recent years. “Georgina epitomizes a recently established trend in luxury fashion consumption. Design and quality have taken a backseat and the logo occupies the center of the product”, says Adrián Corchero.

“Georgina brings to the industry what all the new faces bring, which are people from normal social backgrounds who are suddenly at the top of their game. C. Tangana, Bad Bunny, Rosalía... they live between the tracksuit and the jewel, between the street and the private plane, they are ostentatious, and people need to see ostentation to dream; they don't want restrained people”, adds Alberto Espinosa, deputy director of the magazine 'Fearless'.

However, this movement continues to arouse suspicion among classic luxury consumers, who are reluctant to cede the category of style icon to this type of personalities. “Although she has the ability to be magnetic on any red carpet she attends, you have to consider to what extent she can be an ambassador for a luxury brand. Although the big brands have surrendered to a more urban fashion, luxury still has the essence of what is exquisite, genuine and different”, reflects the stylist Carlos Roca.

Beyond any debate, Georgina Rodríguez has found her space within the fashion industry and has become the most followed Spanish influencer on Instagram. Now, it only remains to be seen how the visibility of her premiered reality show, 'Yo soy Georgina', will affect her work as her prescriber.

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