Presidency of the Nation National Campaigns The meetings cycle of the Evaluation Committee of the 10th edition of the Argentine Design Seal was carried out

By : ujikiu / On : 31/01/2023

The Ministry of Productive Development of the Nation through the Secretariat of the Small and Medium Entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurs officially distinguish every year to the products of the national industry with the good Argentine design (SBD) that stand out for their innovation,Its design quality, its commitment to local production and its market positioning.

The program is intended to distinguish those micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) that carry out activities in the field of innovation and design, through the generation of differentiated and competitive products.

The organization of the evaluation of the products presented by the companies, was divided into five major categories and, in turn, in specific tables of each of the subcategories made up of experts and experts throughout the country to evaluate the 712 presentations of SMEsof 22 provinces.

On this occasion, SBD had an evaluation committee that for the first time met virtually, due to the current context of Pandemia, to give its score in each project.The evaluation cycle was developed during the last half of March.Projects of a total of four hundred and fifty companies were evaluated contemplating the degree of innovation, quality, identity and productive and commercial strategy.

The virtual evaluation tables were formed by experts and experts according to each category:

Category Products for Industry and Transportation: Alberto Morales (Caehfa Manager);Anabella Rondina (Industrial Designer, Undersecretariat of Strategic Planning and Institutional Evaluation, Fadu UBA);Sebastián Kossacoff (vice president of the Department of Science, and Innovation of UIA, Executive Director of Adimra);Silvia Díaz Monnier (Technical Director of Electronics Inti);Raquel Ariza (Industrial Designer- Technical Director Industry 4.0- inti);Juan Scolarici (Director of Innovation and Technological Linking-UNLA) and Javier Viqueira (Vice President Argentine Chamber of Electronic, Electromechanical and Luminothetic Industries (Cadieel) President of ADax SA);María Isabel Borghi (President Fundación Citeder);Maximiliano Santandreu (Industrial Designer.Responsible for the Adimra Mar del Plata Industrial Services Center);Andrés Superbi (responsible for the industry area of the International Business Promotion of the AAICI);Daniel Martinez Krahmer (Mechanical Engineer.Head of the Department of Mechanized and Conform Processes, Inti Somyl, National Institute of Industrial);Marina Baima (Secretariat of Science, and Innovation of Santa Fe) and Iván Larchini (Industrial and Teaching Designer at the National University of Misiones, National University of Rafaela, National University of Avellaneda).

Furniture and equipment category: Daniel Callegari (Industrial Designer.Co-Director Dimo, Career of Mobiliar Design Specialization.Fadu-Uba);Rodrigo Javier Ramírez (Industrial Designer- Technical Director of the INTI Industrial Design Center);Daniela Quintana (industrial designer - journalist specialized in industrial design);Gonzalo Rondinone (Executive Director of FAIMA- Argentine Federation of the wood and related industry);Vivian Urfeig (journalist specialized in design) and Pablo José Rodríguez (Industrial Designer- Director of Industrial Design, UNRN);Gabriela Lopez (Interior Designer and Specialist in Sociology of the Fadu-UBA Design- Diara Member-Designers of Associated Argentine Interiors);Jonny Gallardo (Director of the Furniture Design Specialization Career, Dimu. Profesor Titular, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba); Pablo Lorenzo (Consultor en Gestión y organización de sistemas productivos M&M); Julio Oropel (Arquitecto.Associated Argentine Interior Designers) and Roxana Garbarini (Industrial Designer.Coordinator of the International Knowledge Design Center Tomás Maldonado.SGCTEIP.Ministry of Science, and Innovation);Pedro Senar (Industrial Designer.Production Coordinator and S.Ministry of Territorial Development and Habitat);Luciano Alem (Industrial Designer.Professor Professor Faculty of Architecture and Design, FAUD.Head of the editorial design area of the UNMDP, EUDEM);Patricia Esper (Coordinator of Productive Innovation and Technological Modernization.Ministry of Science, and Innovation) and Camila Offenhenden (industrial designer.TEACHER OF THE MATTERS DESIGN LABORATORY 3 AND 4 IN THE DESIGN Bachelor of the Torcuato Di Tella University, UTDT.Specialized in user services and research);Marco Sanguinetti (Industrial Designer-Professor Industrial Design 1 to 5 FADU-UBA);Laura Toledo (Industrial Engineer.National Director Argentine Sector Fund at Agency R&D D+I);Luisa Norbis (Design Disseminator Mauricio Pellegrino International Business Promotion Manager of the AAICI) and Nazareno Antúnez (Mechanical Engineer-Department of Conforming and Mechanized Processes.Inti somyl).

Presidencia de la Nación Campañas Nacionales Se llevó adelante el Ciclo de reuniones del Comité Evaluador de la 10ª edición del Sello de Buen Diseño argentino

Category Products for the Home, Office and Recreation: Dolores Delucchi (Industrial Designer.Director of Industrial Design Fadu-UBA);Griselda Flesler (graphic designer.Fadu-UBA Gender Unit and Coordinator;Ladislao Zorrilla (industrial designer);Julián Benitez (Caij Institutional Relations Manager, Argentine Chamber of the Toy Industry) and Ezequiel Tomás Wittner (programmer.Geekout co-founder, portal of the board play sector);Hugo Álvarez (Fadu-UBA Professor of Graphic Matter for Products); José Francisco Rossetto (Industrial Designer.Secretary of Industrial and Commercial Development of the province of Jujuy) and Federico Agüero (Industrial Designer.Undersecretary of Science, and Innovation of the Ministry of Production, Science and Technological Innovation of the Province of Buenos Aires);Mercedes Ceciaga (industrial designer.Professor Holder at Unraf National University of Rafaela);Mirta Laciar (National Coordinator of the SGT 6-Ministry of Environment);Juan Kaczan (Industrial Designer.Technological Manager, SECYT UNLA, University of Lanús) and Gustavo Oscar Meijide (Director of Industrial Models and Designs National Institute of Industrial Property, INPI).

Category clothing, footwear and accessories: Alejandra GOUGY (Argentine Sustainable Fashion Association);Marisa Camargo (Director of Textile Design in UBA-Fadu);Maria Veronica Fourcade (clothing and textile designer.Academic Coordinator of the Grow Program of the Argentine Federation of the clothing industry and related Faiia);Eugenia Aryan (clothing designer.Director of the postgraduate update program: Sports clothing design, FADU-UBA);Laura Grisel Reynés Abregú (director of the clothing career of clothing.Regular titular professor of the subject Expressive Media 1 and 2 of the clothing and textile design careers in Fadu-UBA) and Florencia Elena Antonini (Visual Communication Designer.PRO Academic Secretary of Design.Northwest National University Buenos Aires.Unnoba);Alba Duarte Miranda (Technique in Footwear, Cefoteca, Inti);Federico Gastón Urbaneja (Industrial Designer.Attached research professor unla);Mariana Marrari (textile designer.Inti external advisor);Silvia Barretto (clothing designer.Fadu-UBA Professor) and Laura Barabas (CIC Manager, Chamber of the Footwear Industry);Alejandrina Vigna (Graphic Designer.Head of Industrial Design Department);Maria Victoria Salias (clothing designers.Director Museum of History of the suit);Patricia Roberta Cavanagh (clothing and textile designer.Professor of the verticality of the clothing and textile design workshop.Northwest National University Buenos Aires UNNOBA) y Marcela L Fibbiani (Directora Revista 90+10); María Celeste Nasimbera (Directora en Crónicas de moda y Editora digital L'Officiel Argentina); Sebastián Rodríguez (Diseñador de indumentaria.Inti Trend Observatory Member);Barbara Villena (responsible for the area of creative industries of the International Business Promotion of the AAICI);Natalia Nupieri (clothing designer.Member Observatory of Trends Inti) and Fernando Gomez Dossena (Chief editor of Marie Claire Argentina).

Strategic Communication Category: Germán Lang (coordinator of the Design Sector of the National Directorate of Creative Economy, Ministry of Cultural Development.Ministry of Culture of the Nation);Diego Garcia Diaz (Graphic Designer.Director of the Fadu-UBA graphic design);Lucrecia Piattelli (audiovisual designer.Director of Design Races.National University of Avellaneda, Undav) and Wustavo Quiroga (industrial designer.IDA Foundation Director, Argentine Design Research Foundation);Carlos Venancio (graphic designer.Vice Dean Fadu-UBA);Laura Beatriz Torres (Industrial Designer.DIRECTORS GROUP DIRECTORS, UNCUYO);Martín Gorricho (graphic designer);Mariela Secchi (graphic designer member of the Inti user experience department) and Monica Pujol Romero (graphic designer.Secretary of Institutional Management Disur);Alejandro Tumas (Graphic Designer.Sectorial referent of infographic);Carlos Carpenter (graphic designer.Professor Fadu Uba, UNLA);Florencia Fole (member of the Directive Commission of Association of Argentine Video Games, ADVA);Alejandro Iparraguirre (Video Games Coordinator, Directorate of Cultural Industries, Ministry of Cultural Development, in the Ministry of Culture of the Nation) and José Scaglione (Graphic Designer.Typetogher.Victoria Diaz Digital Fundidora Industrial Designer.Responsible for the User Experience Department- Inti).

As a result, the Undersecretariat will edit a catalog that can be downloaded from the seal page good Argentine design where the more than 330 projects that obtained the distinction in the 10th edition are presented.