The BEST-smelling perfume from Prada: half bag of sweets, half bouquets of roses

By : ujikiu / On : 07/04/2023


2022 01 25

BEST-smelling perfume from Prada: half bag of sweets, half bouquets of rosesBEST Smelling Prada Perfume: Half Candy Bag, Half Rose Bouquet BEST Smelling Perfume from Prada: Half Bag of Sweets, Half Bouquets of Roses

To this day, there is no one who does not consider this fragrance a delicious gift. Straight to the Miuccia slide, where half the world's dreams of fashion and beauty slide.

By María Mérida
Reading: 2 minutes
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When you have a bad day, think that in Miuccia Prada's office there is a slide that connects her office with a patio. And it is not a prop, nor a frivolity, nor a somewhat questionable idea that has remained just that, an idea. She – the woman who studied finance, was active in communism, reduced the feminine wardrobe to its minimal and most chic expression, and created pieces as iconic as the Cleo bag – has confessed that she uses it often.

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This is the image: you have spent a terrible Tuesday between emails with bad news, fatigue in general and WhatsApp groups where they force you to have an opinion on everything and you notice the weariness, the bad drool, of almost everyone because no one cared about anything other than their own drama. And then the end of the day comes and the possibility of starring in one of those memes that invite you to send everything for a walk is real, it is enough to throw yourself down a slide that, on the other hand, is a fabulous aesthetic delirium while you scream, kick your feet and - why not– you remember someone or other in the worst possible way. The day will not have started well, but you have finished on the crest of the wave, and only children between 2 and 9 years old will understand you: whatever happens, there will always be slides.

Jane Fonda.© GettyImages.

BEST smelling perfume from Prada: half bag of sweets, half bouquets of roses

Miuccia's slide is definitive proof that true intelligence – not the speed of learning, but of understanding – always goes hand in hand with a sense of humor. In the case of the designer, we have verified this in many of her collections, such as the last one, where a serious masculine cloth coat admits fur muffs that, for more fun, are not placed on the cuffs but on the shoulders. elbows, that is, they are hair elbow pads; and also Jeff Goldblum is in charge of showing off the piece in question during the parade with a gait that we could define as Freddy Mercury about to invade Poland.


Prada Candy Sugar Pop.© Courtesy of Sephora.

Prada Candy Sugar Pop. Buy HERE.

If we extrapolate this casual but forceful proposal when it comes to interpreting fashion to the perfume universe of the firm, we find contrasts as interesting as the one starring Prada Candy Sugar Pop, whose aroma is not at all what its refined and minimalist design It could indicate, since it is excessive, sweet like a milk bread dipped in sugar and floral like an immense bouquet of white roses.

Miuccia already commented in another interview that she doesn't like anything, but nothing, obvious beauty; what's more, she bores him. It is not difficult to imagine then that the woman who takes less than a minute to choose what she is going to wear every morning smells like a candy store. It's the same one who loves slides and laughs at fashion that she herself creates. It's you. We are all.

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