Porfolio Marta Ortega, the World Fashion Queen: why is much more than Amancio's girl

By : ujikiu / On : 10/10/2022

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Multimillionaire.Blonde.Daughter of the richest man in Spain.Less than 40 years.Styling and largely a socialite.That is the only thing that many seem to have seen in Marta Ortega Pérez, the new president of the world's largest fashion group, Inditex, starting next April 1, in order and grace of her father, owner and founder, Amancio Ortega.

Marta Ortega in a fashion parade.Gtres

However, this 37-year-old woman (Vigo, 1984) speaks five languages, has studied in a boarding school in Switzerland and has graduated from the prestigious European Business School-Regunt's University in London.He has been working in the family business, which is now going to preside without executive functions, since the age of 23 and has only three less than Pablo Isla, the until now the almighty man of Inditex, when he assumed the position of vice president and CEO.

The girl from Amancio has passed in these 15 years through the Finance Department, the accounting, sales and design analysis at the offices of London, Paris and Shanghai, where she moved to live to supervise the Chinese expansion of Inditex.

Amancio Ortega and his daughter Marta, at a family dinner.Gtres

She was appointed vice president of two two family heritage societies, Gartler and Partler, through which they invest Inditex.He has been in strategy and even in the supervision of Woman designs in Zara, of which he is inspiring a catwalk line within the brand low cost of the brand that runs out every season a few days after going on sale.However, what has been highlighted in many articles about her is that she folded t -shirts in one of the star stores in London.

"I would like to be close to the product.This is what my father always did, "Marta Ortega said this summer in a unique interview in the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal, with whom she broke the traditional silence of a woman who seemed more image meat than in word than in word.In the salmon pages of the most prestigious newspaper in the world, the "generational change" that has executed an 85 -year -old Ortega Amancio that is clear that he will leave at the hands of his daughter (yes, well accompanied and advised) was already suggested) everythingHis empire.

Secret weapon

The economic newspaper then described it as "Zara's secret weapon" and warned in its Instagram publication that "leadership does not necessarily mean following the conventions or adhering to a formula" and that the Ortega were experts in not following the rules to getThe most resounding success.

Marta Ortega, on vacation, on a ship.Gtres

The funny thing is that in Inditex's relay, Amancio Ortega has adhered to the same formula that the richest men in Spain have been implemented that accompany him in the Forbes list.In February of last year, the richest sixth Spanish, Juan Abelló, gave up Torreal's witness to his son Miguel and, last May, businessman Juan Miguel Villar Mir (number 29) retired leaving the presidency of the groupto his son Juan.

Both decisions passed without penalty or glory through the Stock Exchange and were not mentioned in the general press or social networks.However, the birth of the new great queen of fashion (at the only level of Carolina Adriana Herrera or Allegra Versace) has started a hurricane of debate on merits and plugs little seen in the transfer of other groups of parents to children (and I sayGood, children).

Where is the difference now?Why this stir?Why did Inditex capitalization fall into more than 5.600 million euros on the stock market last Monday when the appointment of Marta Ortega was announced?Is it because Marta is not called Amancio?

6.829 stores

The world's largest Zara store is in Madrid.Zara

Porfolio Marta Ortega, la Reina Mundial de la Moda: Por Qué Es Mucho Más Que la Niña de Amancio

If it is for knowledge and preparation, the most powerful woman in the world in the fashion sector [at least in numbers because it has 6.829 locales repartidos por todo el globo entre Zara, Massimo Dutti, Pull&Bear, Bershka o Stradivarius], ha crecido rodeada de tiendas, diseños, modelos, líneas de lanzamiento, prendas, combinaciones, colores, telas...And that until the age of 13, as one of her childhood friends who now works for her, was not aware that her father was the owner of all the Zara of the world of the world.

Fashion and Inditex have been the monothem every time it has come home and continues to be at home now.Married in second nuptials with Carlos Torretta, son of the famous designer Roberto Torretta, both manage their public appearances aware of the power that Low Cost fashion supposes, the influence of haute couture and the level of fidelity they generate in their clients.

In fact, one of the daily tasks of Marta Ortega was to see what were the best -selling garments in the world to test, almost a minute, the taste of the millions of buyers and buyers who enter one of their stores.An international fervor that has meant record gains of 1.300 million euros after the restrictions of the COVID-19.

"I think it is important to build bridges between haute couture and the street, between the past and the present, between technology and fashion, between art and functionality," he said in the interview with the WSJ Marta Ortega Pérez in a clear statement in a clear statementof intentions what this rich girl plays (her father has a heritage of almost 70.000 million euros) but does not want to leave Arteixo or A Coruña.

Marta Ortega, on her wedding day with Carlos Torretta, dressed in Valentino.Peter Lindberg

Valentino wedding

Maybe that's why, in 2018 he married an incredible dress of his fetish designer Pierpaolo Piccioli (from the Valentino house) at a gypsy wedding that is rumored cost up to 20 million euros to his very delicious father.But then he is able to exhaust any pants, t -shirt or coat of Zara, Massimo Dutti or Bershka worldwide with only time he puts it.

A perfect combination of life forms, between haute couture and low cost, which continues to maintain in its day to day beyond clothes;And that is seen in the streets of A Coruña, where he goes from the luxury duplex where he lives with her husband and two children, Amancio, 8, of her first marriage to the rider Sergio Álvarez and Matilda, one year old, to strengthenThe beautiful habit of having his cup in the Rialto, a traditional place of the beautiful people of the Galician city, where it is relatively easy to see her surrounded by her usual friends.

Marta Ortega and her two children, Amancio and Matilda.Gtres

But Galicia is not his only home.Used to visit a different Zara store every week, a mixture of obligation and devotion that was imposed years ago, Marta Ortega and her husband have distributed sneakers to be home in their other places, yes, in passing: a bunker thatHis father gave away at the Paseo de Gracia in Barcelona when he married and one of the most expensive floors right now in Madrid, a 500 -meter house in the Plaza de Paris Villa, the promotion of Los Matutes and Rafael Nadal that has been sold moreface that the Four Season Hotel building itself: 20.000 euros the square meter.

In fact, just before this appointment, it was very speculated on whether Marta Ortega was thinking about spending less time in A Coruña and moving her packages to Madrid, the city where she met her current husband and where she has many of her friends more related toHaute sewing, modeling and parades.

However, if you follow your father's footsteps with this new position, Arteixo will become the place of the world who visits the most, taking into account that Amancio still feels (almost every day) at the long and shared tables, with chairsHigh and wheels, where your daughter is almost live the march of her empire.

Ana Patricia Botín, Marta Ortega and Beatriz Corredor.

Third woman at the Ibex 35

The official designation of the heiress, which seems to have revolutionized the Spanish financial sector, has allowed Marta Ortega Pérez to become the third woman to preside over one of the 35 companies that make up the IBEX 35.The other two are Ana Patricia Botín in Santander and Beatriz Corredor in Red Eléctrica (a government appointment).

In fact, reports warn that in the companies listed only 17% of the management positions are occupied by a woman.This means 73 posts counted.In addition, only three companies have a parity management board and two of them are public: AENA and RED ELECTORY.The third is colonial.Experts also ensure that in the fashion industry, this presence is even less relevant as a paradoxical that seems.

The Torretta

If it is clear that fashion and design were the pillow on which Marta Ortega Pérez was born, between threads and buttons while her maternal grandmother took care of her and her mother did not lose work day in Inditex;This is still the place where she rests every night, whether if she is at her home and at her in -law's house.

Inditex en cifras

- The largest fashion group has 176.611 workers (2019 data).

- Has sold 6.993 million euros in the first half of 2021, 48% more than in 2020 when it registered losses for the first time.

- The net profit until July has been 1.272 million.

- It has 6.829 stores around the world.

The relationship with Carlos Torretta, who began in 2016, seemed to add synergies in both directions in the world of Hispanic fashion although, rather, what Amancio Ortega has added is another soldier to his army, since his son -in -law is now the person responsibleof the brand's online communication department.

The Torretta has not gone so well, that they went from seeing their sales grow by 111% the year in which the romance between Marta and Carlos was formalized to lose 65% of them in 2019, before the pandemic.

The couple met at the 40th birthday of the ex -model Eugenia Silva, held at the Madrid suit museum;A joke of destiny or perhaps not, but the unique scenario where the queen of Zara and the son of Roberto Torretta had to cross their eyes, and the phones.Because, as their next remember, no matter how incredible it seems, Marta Ortega and Carlos Torretta did not know each other until then (he was working on a model agency in New York like Booker).Since that day...colored lights and having a good time.

Marta Ortega and her husband, Carlos Torretta, at the wedding of some friends.Gtres

Many even blamed the Argentine, more accustomed to the press and the events of the high socialite, that the Galician heiress began to be seen more and more through the streets of Madrid and signed up for premieres and presentations, yes, well selected and normallylinked to the fashion world, his world.

In a few months, we always see her in the racetracks, her other great passion, so much that her father built one of her properties that has become a fixed point in the international career organization, to walk through parties and weddingsof Beautiful People Española and from the foreigner.

"I have lived this company from my childhood and I have learned from all the great professionals I have worked with during the last 15 years.I have always said that I would dedicate my life to develop my parents' legacy, looking at the future, but learning from the past and being at the service of the company, our shareholders and our clients, in the place where it is considered that I am more necessary, "he saysIn a statement Marta Ortega after knowing her rise.

Presidency without functions

Maceiras y su equipo

The executive hand of Marta Ortega will be Óscar García Maceiras, a Coruña lawyer who has been deputy secretary of the Santander Council and that entered less than a year ago in Inditex.But they won't be alone.The maternal uncles of Marta, Jorge and Óscar Pérez Marcote, respectively responsible for Massimo Dutti and Zara, will be faithful squires of his sister's daughter.

Carlos Crespo, the new General Director of Operations;Javier García Torralbo, head of online trade;Pablo del Bado, from the 80s in Inditex;Miguel Díaz Miranda, accounts expert;Ignacio Fernández, Fiscal Advice and two experienced women: Begoña López-Cano, Personal, and Beatriz Padín Santos, from Zara Mujer.

Although his position, which will be effective in April 2022, will not have executive functions, the Galician heiress will surely assume more and more prominence in the decisions that will mark the future of the world's largest company in the sector.

Kepler analysts assured Times, who dedicated a long article to the figure of the heiress this week, that "both Marta Ortega and the executive director Óscar Maceiras have much to demonstrate when it comes to their ability to handle this great monster in the middle ofCovid's crisis ".It can be true, but hopefully we would examine the same son of Rico who assumes the company of one of his parents even before sitting in the command chair.

Of course, I do not want to imagine the conversation during the Christmas meal this year at Casa de los Torretta: the vaporous style line of the last presentation of the designer presented in IFEMA in front of the new world strategy of one of the divisions of the divisions ofAn international empire.

Marta Ortega holds her daughter Matilda, while Roberto Torretta takes a photo.Gtres

Because, as much as the sister -inAnd at home there is not talk of fashion or company, but of family, "said Maria.

Of course it was before Amancio's daughter was the new Queen of the Flow.

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