Podemos and PSOE register a commission for the study of the price of light and the improvement of the electrical system

By : ujikiu / On : 13/09/2022

The problem around climbing for the price of light has taken PSOE and Unidas (UP) this Friday to present a joint initiative, after days of public disagreements.Away regarding the measures to address the runaway rise from the invoice, the two government partners have agreed to register in Congress a non -permanent commission to study the price of light and improvements in the electrical system.

According to UP sources, the agency also aims to analyze proposals aimed at the design of a model that “reconcile environmental sustainability with social justice and competitiveness of the Spanish economy”.

The proposal for the creation of the Commission, to which the country has had access, includes that the works will focus, among others, to evaluate the real impact it has for both citizens and for small and medium enterprises the increase in the priceof electricity and studying roads for reduction;Analyze the precise measures to cushion the impact of prices volatility on the wholesale market on the invoice;Study the necessary modifications in the legal regime applicable to the different forms of electricity generation, make additional proposals to design an electrical system based on renewable energy sources or assess measures to promote energy efficiency.The agency will be composed of two representatives of each group and the deadline for the development of the works will be six months.

The initiative arrives only one day after Unidas Podemos has registered unilaterally in the lower house its proposition for the creation of a public energy company after the refusal of Vice President Teresa Ribera and the president himself, Pedro Sánchez, to fixa price for nuclear energy and a maximum for hydroelectric by Royal Decree Law.Asked if she considered an unfair act not to have warned the PSOE before her presentation, Vice President Yolanda Díaz, UP leader in the coalition government, said Friday during an interview on Radio Euskadi that parliamentary groups "have their own dynamics", Although he has recognized that" we must take care of the coalition "and" improve all the mechanisms of coexistence ".

Podemos y PSOE registran una comisión para el estudio del precio de la luz y la mejora del sistema eléctrico

PSOE and Unidas We can signed in January 2020, almost two months after Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias reached an agreement for the coalition government, a protocol to compromise their loyalty.Among others, demanded the "agreement of both parties" to present parliamentary initiatives.

After going to an act in Vitoria, the vice president has insisted that "there are no noise"."It is legitimate that citizens confirm the differences between partners, but for that you do not have to raise the voice, but to work and raise proposals," he said.“They will have me as an ally to solve people's problems (...) La vocación es que la coalición dure mucho tiempo”, ha añadido, informa Pedro Gorospe.

Lo que más afecta es lo que sucede más cerca. Para no perderte nada, suscríbete.Suscríbete

The Minister of Labor also wanted to "value" the measures taken so far by the Executive after which he considers a "disastrous management of the PP" in energy matters and has claimed the reduction of taxation both in VAT and in the taxof electricity generation, as well as the limitation of the so -called fallen benefits of the sky of the electricity or the creation of a sustainability fund for an amount of 7.000 million euros that will affect the light bill.

The joint proposal announced this Friday is, in practice, similar, although not identical, to that registered during the last week of August by more country, Compromís and Nueva Canarias to clarify the increases in the cost of energy.Those groups requested the creation of a "investigation" commission, while in this case it is only "study".

In spite of everything, sources from the United Parliamentary Group We can argue that it is also "important"Millions of people in energy poverty.The formation reiterates as measures that could be carried out “immediately” and “within the European regulatory frame.The PSOE argues that both are incompatible with community law.