Animal print: Thus it must be combined to look like royalty By ujikiu / Date 09/02/2023 There is no doubt that the women of royalty are the best source of inspiration to recreate looks with which to look elegant and also have the latest fashion trends, such as C ...
Dominico wins the biggest Spanish fashion award By ujikiu / Date 08/02/2023 And the next is ... Dominican.The designer Domingo Rodríguez Lázaro took the biggest Spanish fashion prize on Monday night, than the edition in Spain of Vogue magazine delivered since 201 ...
Heart Leyre Doueil, the creator of the most applauded dress in Letizia: "I saw her very pretty, I am very proud" By ujikiu / Date 07/02/2023 Related news Queen Letizia (48 years old) obtained a unanimous outstanding by the media and fashion experts as soon as Basque Territory stepped on this Tuesday.The kings moved h ...
Sustainable materials and daring designs, fashion enters kitchens By ujikiu / Date 06/02/2023 Set or wide jackets that adapt to different bodies, unite and unisex models that are worth for men and women, adjustable aprons, striking colors or cake, cowboy fabrics or ...
5 features you should have if you want to study fashion design By ujikiu / Date 05/02/2023 Do you have what you need to become the next designer?Czech if you have what is necessary to study fashion design we have dreamed of having a huge clothing company and designing the pre ...
Mor.Bo Thierry Mugler dies at age 73: 5 things you should know about the iconic French designer By ujikiu / Date 04/02/2023 WAIT!Loading more contentWait!Loading more contentWait!Loading more contentWait!Loading more contentWait!Loading more contentWait!Loading more contentWait!Loading more contentwait ...
How much money they have and what the Javis spend, the current Midas kings of Spanish culture By ujikiu / Date 03/02/2023 On the contrary, Calvo did put in Flanders becoming one of the stars of the physical and chemical youth series, but after her his fate in the castings declined, as he usually oc ...
Designer Pierre Cardin dies at 98 By ujikiu / Date 02/02/2023 The fashion world loses one of its greatest.Pierre Cardin, one of those responsible for the golden era of fashion in the twentieth century and the man who revolutionized the sector with the prêt-à-porter and its ...
Last visit to the emblematic Gante Design Museum By ujikiu / Date 01/02/2023 The duo of designers of Gante Muller van Severen (formed by the couple Fien Muller and Hannes are severe) turns ten years active and celebrates it with a retrospective in the Museum of Design of their IC ...
Presidency of the Nation National Campaigns The meetings cycle of the Evaluation Committee of the 10th edition of the Argentine Design Seal was carried out By ujikiu / Date 31/01/2023 The Ministry of Productive Development of the Nation through the Secretariat of the Small and Medium Entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurs officially distinguish every year to the products of the industry ...
Park Shin Hye: What wedding dresses did he choose for his wedding with Choi Tae Joon? By ujikiu / Date 30/01/2023 Prior to Park Shin Hye and Choi Tae Joon's wedding, a special with the wedding dresses that wore the acclaimed ‘princess’ of the K-Drams in fiction caused a sensation among fans.Now that end ...
My house I built it By ujikiu / Date 29/01/2023 It was not a passing fad of those first and aciagos months of pandemic.The chalets have been practically razed by citizens eager for terraces and gardens.In new work there is hardly stock and ...
Jon Elorrieta, new director of the Fashion School IED Kunshtal Bilbao By ujikiu / Date 28/01/2023 Expert in styling and fashion design, Elorrieta is at the head of the direction of the first and only official Euskadi degree in fashion design.
The conquest of the asphalt By ujikiu / Date 27/01/2023 Advertising last Sunday I ran on the green road.Resigned decades ago not to have a great and good metal route, of those through which trains pass and that connect the populations in a way ...
From maquila to design: fashion of economic reactivation in Tolima By ujikiu / Date 26/01/2023 Photo: CORMODAFOTO: CORMODAFOTO: CORMODAFOTO: CORMODES as well as today, thanks to its multiple efforts, great national brands such as Arkitect, Pat Primo and Totto, produce their garments from Ibagué, so c ...