News and reports on ESADE IN MASTERMERMANY

By : ujikiu / On : 14/07/2022

What is the triple crown of business schools?

22/12/2021 - Sofía Riesco

Institutions that have this recognition acquire a prestige recognized internationally, since they demonstrate their commitment to the quality of Master and MBA programs.

Do you know what triple crown is in the field of business schools? This recognition corroborates the commitment to the quality of a Master or MBA program of an academic institution, and consists of three different accreditations: Equis, Amba and AACSB. Each of them is granted by a different international organization, being two of them European and an American. , employability or learning. If the three accreditations are possessed, this is known as ‘Triple Corona’. Only 1% of all business schools in the world have the triple crown of the three international accreditations. And among them are two Spanish, ESADE and IE Business School. Other schools such as IESE have two of them, like Eada, Deusto Business School or the University ... Read more

TAGS: Masters Educación Superior Escuelas de Negocios Máster IE IESE ESADE EADA UC3M España

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