Microcement, the fashion material for interior decoration

By : ujikiu / On : 20/07/2022

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Interior design trends are evolving and interior designers are increasingly looking for more resistant, versatile and timeless materials for their creations.From the hand of Microcemento Madrid you can apply this material to your new house or modernize the current one in a simple and economical way.

What is the microcement?

The microcement is a coating used in the construction and decoration composed of various materials that guarantee a resistant finish, of great adhesion and durable.

The ingredients that compose it are high performance cement, elements that act as aerators, fibers, accelerating polymers and ultrafine arid.In addition, there is the possibility of adding pigments to the mixture, obtaining a coating with a range of very natural colors.

What is the microcement used for?

The microcement is a coating and, as such, it is used to cover different surfaces.Given its high adhesion capacity, it is indicated to cover any other existing material such as tiles, tiles, plastic, plastics, metals, cement, concrete, marble ...

Microcemento, el material de moda para la decoración de interiores

And all this with the advantage of not having to remove the previous material.The microcement is applied directly to the existing material creating a layer of between 2 and 3 mm that will cover it completely.

Among the applications that can have are the creation of continuous soils, coated microcement walls, as well as ceilings, furniture ... The microcement is suitable for covering any surface.

Its high resistance to heat and humidity makes it a material that is also used on many occasions to cover walls and bathrooms of bathrooms and kitchens.For example, to decorate kitchen banks or countertops in the bathroom.But it can also be used for exteriors, swimming pools and gardens, since the use and passage of time will resist very well.

Advantages of microcement use

The main advantage of the use of microcement in interior decoration is that it is an easy and fast material to put and the cost is economical, since previous materials should not be removed or special preparation is required.This makes you need less time and resources than other materials and applies without generating dirt or debris.

In addition, the quality of the microcement makes it a very durable material that will be part of your home for years maintaining its appearance and quality.Despite the fine thickness of the microcement coating, it is a very resistant material.

Unlike other materials, it is possible to combine several tones or microcement colors in the same room to create the desired design style and the available palette is composed of natural colors that will provide warmth to your home.

Its maintenance is simple, because it does not require special care.For cleaning it is enough to use neutral soap and water, avoiding abrasive cleaning products.

Thanks to the microcement, continuous surfaces can be created, without joints or cuts, giving your home a sensation of greater amplitude and also facilitating cleaning as it is a smooth surface.

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