What an orange economy: gastronomy, fashion, design ... |Daily Listín

By : ujikiu / On : 23/06/2022

Do you know the orange economy?About it deals with a work sponsored by the Popular Bank: ‘Dominican creative.Talent in the orange economy ’.That is, the economy of creative and cultural industries: cinematography, architecture, fashion, cultural management, design, crafts, gastronomy, audiovisuals, advertising and technology.

Ideas that create solutions

"It is said that creativity is the creation of solutions that start from original and imaginative ideas," says Christopher Paniagua, an executive president of the bank, in the presentation of the book.In turn, in the introduction, the historian Manuel García Arévalo cites the definition proposed by the IDB: 'The orange economy is the set of activities that, in a chained way, allow ideas to become cultural goods and services, whose valueIt is determined by its intellectual property content. '

Cinema, architecture, fashion, cultural management ...

MENUDO - Economía naranja: Gastronomía, moda, diseño… | Listín Diario

From the cinema, Albert Martínez Martín, Coo de Lantica Pictures, indicates that from 2010 to 2019 there have been 169 Dominican films.In relation to urbanism and architecture, the architect Juan Mubarak states that ‘more and more architecture and art include an ecological awareness and new technological applications’.About fashion (clothing, accessories ...) the designer and architect Carla Quiñones Polanco difference between the industrial and author level.The educator María Amalia León, believes that ‘all economic activity is cultural and every culture has an economic foundation’.

Design, crafts, gastronomy, audiovisuals

Dominique Bludhorn, founder of Chavón and Stephen Kaplan, rector of the Design School, say as the graphic designer Paul Rand: ‘Everything is design.Everything! ’Artist Ignacio Nova sees national crafts in a boiling and reformulation process.Chef María Marte places gastronomic tourism as a modality of cultural tourism.In audiovisuals, Edilania Tactuk, television producer and shows, considers that economics and creativity are two terms that today breathe in the same ecosystem.

Advertising, technology ...

For Felipe Pagés, CEO of Pagés Bbdo, ‘Advertising and branding are transverse axes of creative economies’.And for the expert in technological education, José Armando Tavárez, ‘digital technology is the main tool used by Dominican creatives to produce cultural and innovative content’.(Víctor Siladi was responsible for the design and editorial coordination of the book).