I, addicted: a story of overcoming a healthier and sustainable life (and and mind)

By : ujikiu / On : 20/08/2022

This issue was published in the January 2022 number of Vogue Spain.

Until twenty -two years I put all the problems under the carpet.Who says carpet, also says a mountain of clothes, heels and tin earrings.Put the inability to face my problems at the service of those who offer immediate satisfaction in the form of garments: the fast fashion.I'm sad, I buy.I have anxiety, I buy again.Total, it's so cheap that I don't even have to think.It's so cheap that it doesn't even hurt that it breaks into two washes.Fast Fashion stores allowed me to live like this, filling the emptiness I felt with clothes, without having to take many more turns to my head.It was a serotonin rush with a card's blow that lasted just a few seconds, enough to forget that I did not like my teacher job and much less my ex.

Nothing like your horns put to realize that what you really need is a hug and not the fashion sequin bag.Unless you go to the head, so yes.Hug and bag.That was how I stopped buying for impulse, inertia and without really like.I got rid of what did not make me happy: the polyester and a boyfriend who, as my grandmother Rosario says, did not love me well.

Yo, adicta: una historia de superación hacia una vida (y mente) más sana y sostenible

I had no addiction to clothes, but to the emotion that I thought I was going to get with the purchase: happiness, joy, love.I was looking for love in all wrong places.As if buying I went to forget everything that was wrong in my life or my dream of being a designer.Those emotions that yearned never stayed for a long time.I felt empty again and once again, to buy.This type of life is not sustainable, so the day came when I did not want to lie more and in which I asked that that love I was looking for outside, would leave the inside.I did not say ‘enough’ in a fast fashion for what it represents for the world, I said ‘enough’ for what meant me: true anxiety.The first decision not to consume it I took it selfishly, for my peace.The decision to stay like this, today, is altruistic.The first time I said ‘so far’, it was neither for how they sewed, nor in which country, nor for the people behind their sewing machines.It was for my benefit.For my health.Then, I opened my eyes and I saw that the song that sounded was another that I don't want to support with my money.

We believe we reject something saying: “No, I don't like this.I don't want this ".But we do not create our lives by exclusion but by inclusion.Saying yes to what we want.And what I want is handmade products by designers who still weigh the heart more than the wallet.As much as we do and deserve to live on our talent.I want garments to give me peace, to look at them and make me dream, that they last me.It is not so much about looking at what you do not like and say ‘enough’, as to say ‘come’ to what feels good to you, say ‘yes’ who you really are.