Master's degree in fashion law? We explain what it is and where to do it

By : ujikiu / On : 04/04/2022

The legal aspects of a world as diverse as that of fashion require transversal training that ranges from manufacturing, design, clothing, logistics, storage, transport, physical or digital sale of garments or accessories, the rental of said products, and even their recycling. This Diploma responds to this demand thanks to a multidisciplinary study of the different areas of law.

What is?

It is focused above all on law graduates, since once they finish their studies they have a wide range of opportunities to pursue, including master's degrees or postgraduate degrees that can significantly improve their work experiences. If you are interested in the world of fashion and have studied law, a Master in Fashion Law may be your solution. Fashion Law or Fashion Law, refers to all the legal aspects that affect the fashion industry.

Taking into account everything that encompasses the fashion sector, there are the areas of beauty and personal care such as cosmetics, perfumes, retouching without surgery, etc. Accessories and even beauty treatments can also be included. And of course we cannot forget the auxiliary fashion industry that includes photography, modeling, events and fashion shows, magazines, styling or window dressing.

We all know that the fashion and beauty sector mobilizes large amounts of money, and therefore needs protection in terms of designs and brands. For this reason, professionals who are specialized and who have in-depth knowledge of the operation of the business and the chain, going through all its stages, are increasingly sought.

If you are interested in what you are reading, you can find this type of training in the EOB Fashion, Luxury & Retail Consulting. They are an independent consultancy and publisher specializing in retail, fashion and luxury. On its website you will find all the necessary information about courses, the master's degree we are talking about and different types of training.

What does the Master include?

Intellectual property

¿Máster en derecho de la moda? Te explicamos lo que es y donde realizarlo

We tell you what the Master in Fashion Law with includes. One of the aspects is that of trademark and intellectual property rights. The companies in the sector work for their trademark rights and their intellectual property. There is increasing competition and companies must take care of maintaining their good position or status.

One of the main problems that fashion companies face is the effective protection of their creations. In this Master you will know how far this protection reaches and what meaning must be given to originality.

Industrial property

The protection of a brand not only reaches the classic logo that we know, but also three-dimensional representations, stamped on the fabric of the products and much more. It can even include the chemical composition of a product that can be represented visually or also the olfactory brand, to legally protect a perfume.

Within the brand, there is also the commercial name, the industrial secret, the patent and the utility model. You will learn to know how to distinguish between them to give the maximum possible protection.

Commercial Law and Financing

The companies that are in this sector need increasingly complex services, only accessible to specialists in fashion law, since they range from the legal organization of collaborations in the sales process through retail, the use of figures such as factoring, passing through licenses and royalties, the creation of corporate groups, business financing operations, mergers and acquisitions of companies, among others.

Labor and Image Law

As this industry has certain special labor characteristics that make it unique, fashion law studies specific problems such as the transfer of the image of the model in magazines, advertising and fashion shows, as well as border aspects between labor and commercial legislation, having to take into account Note that it is a labor-intensive sector.

Apart from those mentioned, there are other types of circumstances such as the use of minors for modeling, collaborations with influencers or for branding reasons.

International Law and Arbitration

In the event of a conflict of interest, the applicable regulations must be known first-hand and therefore it will be an essential requirement to have knowledge of the legal regulations on international trade.

In short, only a lawyer specializing in Fashion Law can defend companies from the legal uncertainty and judicial limbo that their complex transnational business relationships can lead them to.

The complexity of the fashion sector requires specialization and therefore to consider fashion law as a specialized law, aimed at different legal aspects. Lawyers specialized in Fashion Law must have a great deal of legal knowledge, specific training and an interdisciplinary relationship with multiple professionals, in order to be able to carry out their work successfully.

In the near future, fashion and luxury brands will demand professionals specialized in this branch of Law, so to fill the void that exists today in Spain, lawyers who know this international and cutting-edge branch are needed.

Law and fashion professionals should select their Course in Fashion Law carefully, since a comprehensive preparation will facilitate their performance in a changing market in which it is vital to be up to date with the main legal aspects.

Laura Lopez Martinez

“Reading makes a man complete, speaking makes him expeditious, writing makes him exact.” Sir Francis Bacon.

Books, photography and travel as a lifestyle. Murcia