Magistral class recognizes the contributions of Spain fashion

By : ujikiu / On : 21/09/2022

Integrated by 25 angels who accompany the image of Jesus on the cross, the painting of bright colors evidence.

This work of art was located on the side nave, next to the Epistle of the Mayor Altar in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Guatemala.

After a loan agreement established with the Ministry of Culture and Sports, the work was restored and is exhibited at the National Museum of Art of Guatemala (Munag), of Antigua Guatemala.

It measures 2 meters with 75 centimeters high and 1 meter with 99 centimeters wide.All the angels that integrate it are different and has a medallion that refers to the biblical quotation of Isaiah 7:33.

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Paulina Arce, who was in charge of the restoration, indicates that it is important to know and recognize the religious art that represents the artistic development of Guatemala."The painting is based on a engraving by Charles Le Brun, a French painter of the Deluis XIV Court, but with the interpretation of Juan José Rosales," he says.

The work dating from the nineteenth century was intervened in the Restoration Workshop of the National Palace of Culture.The works were contemplated to be carried out in nine months;However, they were completed in five.This work of art can be seen at Munag, from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m..

Leston Culajay