María Villalón, the interior designer from Santander who is committed to a "more humane design"

By : ujikiu / On : 03/05/2022


Distances are relative when it comes to emotions, memories and sensitivity. Something that brings together the interior designer María Villalón, born in Santander and a woman of the world. Of course, whenever she can, she returns 'home'. After five years of experience, she has transformed her interior design studio "to face a new stage marked by research, continuous experimentation and collective prosperity," she says. Thus, the Cantabrian interior designer based in Madrid is based on "an emotional design, with more sustainable and conscious practices, to achieve a positive impact, sensitive to individual and society needs".

She redefines her company as Villalón Studio, accompanied by women that life, studies, but, above all, affection have put in her way. Right now, after almost a hundred projects signed by her, she is facing her first big job in Santander, something that moves her a lot. Until now, she has designed the interior design of iconic Madrid restaurants such as Chow Chow, Lettera or Roostiq, residential projects in several Spanish cities and has just finished the shop and 'wine bar' of Bodegas La Rioja Alta, in Haro. A luxury, yes, but incomparable to return to its origins and look out to sea.

The interior designer from Santander had a clear vocation for her since she was little. /LUCIA PERALTA

-You are one of many people from Santander who succeeds in Madrid, although you left the city early to train…

-Yes, I have lived all my life there, except for two years that I studied in England and another in Switzerland, until I moved to Madrid.

-You've had an intense professional life, but interior design completely conquered you... Do you remember a moment that marked that idyll.

-Since I was very little I have surrounded myself with people who are dedicated to architecture. I always knew that I wanted to work in something related to design.

-You started with personal projects very early, how did it come about to shape your own studio?

-The formation of the study has been very organic. I never had in mind to 'create' a studio, but, little by little, projects arose for me and with them the opportunity to incorporate talented, authentic women who wanted to conquer the world into the team.

-Do you have any specific work methodology or does each client impose a way of dealing with spaces?

María Villalón, la interiorista santanderina que apuesta por un «diseño más humano»

-We have a clear work methodology, where the prior study of the client and the environment is essential to arrive at a concept that serves as a starting point when designing and makes the project flow in all aspects.

I work in a house. /@VILLALON_STUDIO

-There is a lot of talk about trends in interior design and decoration, to what extent do they condition?

-Trends are something that goes out of style. From the studio, we try to build places that dispense with the unnecessary, creating spaces that last over time.

-There is a danger of uniformity of spaces, as happens with fashion...

-That danger always exists because many professionals identify what works and squeeze it to the fullest. For this reason, there are many occasions that projects carried out by different interior designers seem to be made by the same. That is the risk of following trends.

“We are a studio that places people at the center of each project”


-What makes you different when it comes to defining a project, be it reform, new construction…?

-We are aware of the impact generated by any intervention we carry out. We are a studio that places people at the center of each project and that is why we like to explore and question each of its phases to direct our efforts towards a more humane design.

-In fact, reforms have become fashionable… Question of budget or nostalgia?

-Young people may bet more on doing a 'facelift' and we do see moments of feeling sorry when modifying the houses as you have known them. Right now, with the post-pandemic change, people want to renovate their house. Before we did not give so much importance to the spaces where we live, having spent a lot of time in them, we want to adapt them to our needs.

The Villalon Studio team. /LUCIA PERALTA

-Can you 'turn around' a home with an adjusted expense?

-Many things can be done as long as they are well organized and rooms or pieces are prioritized.

-Is there any element or color that you like to incorporate as a 'house brand'?

-No, each project is unique and in each one we study your needs to find different solutions.

-We know that you have had the opportunity to do some work in Santander, but now you are facing your great project in your city. Moved?

-This is a very special project, for a client who is also, in a spectacular location. What more could you want?

-For you, when doing a job, is any room more challenging than the rest?

-The challenge is to fit the puzzle so that all the rooms as a whole work.

Part of the design for Bodegas La Rioja Alta, in Haro. /@VILLALON_STUDIO

-Confidence in the construction team has to be fundamental, right?

-Completely, it is difficult to find a team that understands your way of working and doing things. Once you find it you can't put it down (laughs).

-The readers will wonder, 'at the blacksmith's house'…? Does your home represent you or do you have any changes pending?

-Right now we are renovating my house in Madrid. The project represents me perfectly, I am a very restless and active person and it is at home that I seek calm and tranquility. The goal of this design is "to turn our house into a sanctuary, being a place that inspires peace and tranquility".

«I am a very restless and active person and it is in my house where I look for calm and tranquility»


-We suppose that traveling around the world you have found a lot of inspiration… But, what else feeds you when you work?

-Inspiration is everywhere. We must always be alert, because things are constantly happening around us and we must be able to select and internalize the ones that enrich us the most.

-The project of your dreams...

-A boutique hotel in a 'secret' location.

Project in a home in the center of Madrid. /@VILLALON_STUDIO

-When you step on a finished project for the first time, what do you feel?

-You feel calm and proud. Pride in being part of a team that fights for each project as if it were the last and that never throws in the towel, even when things get difficult. I am lucky, I have the best team you can have.

-An Instagram account that you follow and recommend us to find inspiration...

-Yes, to name a few: @la_decohunter, @lornadesantos, @normarchitects.

- Do you think you will return to Santander?

Of course, Santander is a wonderful city.

-How have you seen the evolution of the city in recent years?

-Santander has evolved very positively. I believe that a reflection work has been done on the needs of both Santander residents and foreigners to find solutions to cultural, business issues...

Team work in Menorca. /@VILLALON_STUDIO

-Your favorite corner of the Cantabrian capital, where you always disconnect...

-One of my favorite spots is the cliffs near the Cabo Mayor Lighthouse. Its shapes and colors are incredible and that peace you feel when listening to the waves crashing against the rocks is indescribable.

-And from Cantabria…

-Like Santander, Cantabria has a lot of wonderful corners. One thing I love to do is visit towns like Comillas and its Capricho de Gaudí or Santillana del Mar with the Collegiate Church of Santa Juliana.

Instagram, Faro de Cabo Mayor, Cantabria DFashion, Decoration, Social networksTrends