Laurencio Adot: "I was dead and I came back"

By : ujikiu / On : 21/02/2023

"I am 54 years and 3 years old".This is now Laurencio Adot, one of the most famous names of Argentine fashion, currently installed in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, today one of the headquarters of his work, in addition to Buenos Aires.

The phrase is shocking and summarizes no less than your life so far.He is overcoming a stroke that suffered exactly three years ago, in August 2018, which inevitably resulted in his life, a life that had developed between the glamor of haute couture and catwalks, and the world of celebritiesand the Jet Set.

"What happened to me had to happen for something," assumes the designer."God does and orders.I touched me and that is the important thing.And you know something?It took a year and three months to assume what I had.It was hard for me to say it.But I was very well accompanied.When something like that happens to you, you have many doctors who are pending of you, in addition to an analyst and the kinesiologists who help you to start moving little by little.At one point I had six doctors around, because the fear of getting your life is always latent.It's something that can happen, you look destroyed, you can't believe something like that can happen to you."

Your health picture was extreme.In his own words: “You have your body off and your brain on.But you have no answers of anything.You are like a vegetable.It's heavy, very heavy. Yo pensé que era la muerte".

The child Laurencio

Adot was born in a family of very good economic position: his father and grandfather were related to the textile industry, and his mother (who later turned his right hand in the atelier), his aunts and grandmothers were elegant women who dressedWith haute couture designs.

He still remembers walks with his grandmother in a car with a driver along Alvear Avenue, and at that height he had already traveled around the world.At age 19 he just opened his first boutique.The career I was studying, architecture, was practically abandoned by sewing.

In record time he became the spoiled child of fashion and famous journalists who wanted their dresses to step on the best red carpets.For 30 years he integrated the top ten of Argentine designers with their prêt-à-porter, haute couture and girlfriends.He participated in the most important collections in the country and the world, toured Argentina making solidarity parades and its name appeared many times in Vogue magazine, the fashion Bible.

Among his famous clients are from celebrities such as Julieta Prandi, Laurita Fernández, Paula Chávez and Stefi Roitman to Nicole Neumann, Sofía Zamolo and Candela Ferro, just to name some of an extensive list.

At present, he has a megaboutique in the Recoleta neighborhood and launched the Adot Azevedo brand in Brazil together with its partner for almost two decades, Thiago Pinheiro, who is Brazilian.For more than ten years he shared his life with actor Damián Romero.

-And how was it back to life?

-What I thought was death, it wasn't. Le hablé a Dios y le dije: “Esto es la muerte, la película terminó", pero me di cuenta de que me vestían, me lavaban...It was like being in a silent movie.I was dead and I came back.The first sensations in the sanitarium were confusing, diffuse...I did not understand what was happening, but I saw my friends cry.Now I understood that they saw me return from death.

-The friends are essential at times like this.

-Yes, I will tell you something: I lost many of my friends.90% of those I considered friends, it really wasn't.But I won that 90 % on the other hand, with the people I met through the networks or on the street and who gave me their sample of love, which prayed for my recovery.People had a lot of empathy with my story.The stroke was my fault, I believed God.I stopped taking the pills from hypertension because I never thought something like that was going to happen to me.And it happened to me.

-It's a bit strong to say that it was yours, so direct.

Laurencio Adot: “Estuve muerto y volví

-Well, it was a special moment.In a year my dad and my mother died, I only had my brother.It was a thump.And to that it was added that a person who considered a mother, turned out to be and ended with a legal problem.

-He suddenly he collapsed everything...

-Yeah.I had a privileged life but be careful, that you pay it with loneliness and health.My work is based on perfection: clients control that seams are perfect.In addition, in the 20 minutes that the interview lasts with each one, I have to be fun, get young people to look with the clothes I am doing, that they look pretty...Because if you are not going to see another designer.And I lost my family and the person I trusted abused my trust.I was alone and sad.Sunday did not sound the family phone.And although the couple helps and does everything possible so that one is well, sometimes unfortunately it does not reach.All that led me to ACV.I am very sensitive.I always say that I am the most psychologist of all designers.I don't know if I am the most histrionic, but I try to understand and psychoanalyze everything.

-And how was the rehabilitation process?

-The fashion stopped interested.I didn't want to work, I didn't want to do anything at all.But time passed and I started thinking differently.I became aware that I had the strength to overcome death and live.Everything in life is exams.I believe that God takes us exams.Breaking my leg while in Brazil was another.I also overcome it.And in record time after several operations.

-I don't imagine without wanting to make fashion...

-It's that I think otherwise. Pero en ese momento, cuando todo pasó, mi socio me dijo: “No vuelvas, yo te banco".And he managed: we had 30 girlfriends the next month of my stroke.

-And then?

-The girls loved me;Brides are special.The designers are in the most important days of women and could not fail them.They are the most, number one.I rehabilitated for them.

-How did you communicate?

-From the iPad was showing things, I did noise to understand me and thus we managed to serve the 30 girls with Thiago, who is of Fierro.Making sewing is mine, it is what I prepared for and what I work for for more than three decades.

-You could say that you rehabilitated for your clients...

-I rehabilitated by force in God and for me.And of course women have to do.I always had important women around me.My mom was amazing.When I did his ray treatment, he kept helping me with clothing tests.It was unique.He gave me strength from where he is, he inspired me. Me hizo decirme a mí mismo: “Voy a volver y ser más fuerte".I returned because I want to accompany women on the most important day of their life, which is when they get married, or accompany those who marry their children.All have been so loving with me.They have prayed for me, they have sent me stamps, rosaries, letters, something unique.

-To I see you very well, you are even talking perfect.How did the recovery process advance?

-With confidence, I won the obstacles.Day by day, minute by minute.One day I moved a finger, the next day two more and so on until I moved my hands.Even today they keep shaking my hands a little, but I don't get scared. Las miro y digo: “Esto es vida: me estoy moviendo".Someday they will stop shaking and will be as before.I speak, I walk.Mine was a miracle, it was a vegetable and here I am.

-Ivy distributed between Buenos Aires and Belo Horizonte...Now, you are working in another country, what I imagine represents a new challenge.

-Yeah, y con otro idioma, lo que me obliga a estar más atento y que mi cabeza funcione aún más.Here, in Brazil, everything is different: designers are not celebrities, do not talk about politics or economy, you are famous if you sell clothes, not for being a media character. Cuando te saludan, te dicen: “Ve con Dios", no importa la religión que profeses, es un deseo para que el otro esté bien.In Buenos Aires I had long stopped feeling that good vibes, that energy.Today fashion passes by, you have to be empathetic and supportive.

-Re despite this feeling that you feel, after stroke you dared to open a great place in Buenos Aires.

-Yeah, nos ibamos a ir a vivir a Ecuador con Thiago, pero empezó la pandemia, no había vacuna, así que dejamos ese proyecto en stand by y abrimos un local grande frente al hotel Park Hyatt, donde tenemos la boutique y la oficina de alta costura para las entrevistas.We divide between this space and the showroom we have in Brazil with the Adot Azevedo brand.There, in addition to our clothes, we sell Argentine brands such as Mila Kartei and some more.We are starting.

-Imagino that the showroom is a challenge...

-Toia's idea and is working.His family is here and for 20 years I have come to this city, I know how the textile industry is handled.In Belo Horizonte I found a new family, that of my partner who adopted me as one more son.In addition, we have six employees who bless us every day for work.

-How would you describe your life there?

-Aca I live in a city with an intense pace in fashion, as if it were Milan: you work many hours, it's not fucking.In addition, there are fashion policies;Designers are protected, both from government plans and from private entities.It is not possible to be a great international brand from Buenos Aires.But from Brazil I can program, have a plan, I can breathe the future.If I buy a machine, it arrives in six months, not in six years.My life today is that of an international designer who sells in Russia, the United States and Europe.

-“Laurencio global", en una palabra.

-It's that my head now focuses on that.Until everything is organized again in our country.There nobody defends us of anything, there is no support.They are only critical and there is still talk of whether or not.The world goes across.

-Do you have friends in fashion?

-Yeah, mis amigos son Fabian Zitta y Adrián Brown, que además son médicos.And I recently discovered Gabriel Lage, who is a man.You are always wondering how I am.To the other people in the middle, I lost them.We are of a generation that thinks that we must not say what one thinks.We did everything to lung, we have that romanticism of arriving.And today there is no meritocracy.

-Yes more selective then...

-For the stroke I put aside the frivolity.It only matters to be with the true affection and be close to those women to whom their dreams design.

Post pandemic fashion

El tema del momento en el mundo de los diseñadores es: ¿cómo sigue la moda después del Covid-19? Adot habla de un “nuevo orden" y se explaya: “Las cartas se volvieron a tirar y se ordena distinto.There is more empathy with people.Haute sewing changes: it is no longer about being quirky, but about doing what is needed. Eso lo muestran desde Valentino hasta Zara".

When trying to imagine the departure of these two years of confinement, fear of infection and loss of direct human contact, adot thinks that there should be room to enjoy:

“When I am with my clients in Buenos Aires, they tell me that they want to look pretty to celebrate.Celebrate what?Well, being alive today is a reason to celebrate.Covid is not fucking, I lost many people for this damn virus.Today, the designer's work is not to stand in front of a woman but next to or behind, to accompany her. Cambiaron las prioridades y desaparecen los egos".

-How do you project your own future?

-I shocked the axis.In addition to continuing to be in Buenos Aires, I want to sell in Brazil and spend a time of the year also in Ecuador when all this pandemic passes a little.

-And how do you see yourself in that future?

-I want to be a Latin American fashion businessman.That means giving work to many people, from designers to dressmakers and stylists such as makeup artists or combators who participate in campaigns, parades and lookbooks.

-Other projects?

-Sear working on solidarity projects in which I get involved and that I do not show publicly.I have a back to achieve everything: the love of my partner and a family in Brazil.And a wonderful partner.We are both adot azevedo.I overcome a stroke.It's time to shuffle and give again.I turned how bad it happened to me in resilience.And there we go.

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