Laia Alen, the history of the Spanish bags of the most stylish guests

By : ujikiu / On : 01/03/2023

When Aentorn was invited to a wedding in 2018, it occurred to her to become her own bag for the occasion.Without further claim than being able to wear a alms like the ones he had seen in the photos of Street style of the fashion weeks and liked, the Catalan businesswoman, fourth generation of a family dedicated to textile production, took advantage of the workshopfamily to create the design in self -taught.The success among her friends was such that she ended up making some more units to cover the unexpected demand.“I remember that I hung a photo on Instagram and a fashion editor I knew he wrote to me because he wanted to take one of my bags in his magazine.That's when I realized that they really liked.I put a label that could be read ‘Laia Alen’ and decided.

Three years later, her "bags", as she calls them, have not stopped gaining popularity becoming a constant among the most stylish guests.Although what is most flattery to Laia is "to meet anonymous people who carry them", something that happens more and more frequently, personalities with pulling on social networks and the couché paper - from Sofía Palazuelo to Inés de Cominges - haveAssisted to weddings and postin events with his Laia Alen hanging his arm.The keys to your success?The carefree but special character of their designs, which flee from the rigidity of conventional party bags at reasonable prices (the alms are around 60 euros).And also, of course, exclusivity.“Sometimes we only make twenty units of a model because it is manufactured with a vintage fabric inherited from my grandfather and does not give for more.But even when we buy the fabric in a supplier we try not to overcome the sixty or seventy, since the idea is that they are limited models that favor renewal and novelty, ”he explains.

The Bernatta model, available in various colors, is the ‘best seller’ of the brand.

Laia Alen, la historia de los bolsos españoles de las invitadas más estilosas

The exception is the Bernatta model, a atillo -type satin bag in the purest The Row style, which has already become its best seller and is available in infinite colors.In this case the production is more extensive, but remains subject to the dedication required by manual manufacturing.“From the idea to the last detail, everything is done in our Olot family factory (Gerona).We are four people in the team and when designing I guided me for my personal taste ».Following that maxim - "if you do not put it, you will not put another person," says - Laia herself is behind the brand's Instagram account, a showcase through which she connects with her audience and where she does notIt is rare to see her pose with her own designs."When the brand bears your name it is very important that you take care of the whole image," he advises.«People like to see that there are normal people behind and sometimes the photos with a more homemade point work better than those of a shooting,".

The firm presents its first point collection.Photo: Ampi Aristu.Stylist: Blancapcr

Although it is a small project that Laia combines with a position in the family business, dedicated to the distribution in Spain of a well -known clothing firm, the 32 -year -old girl lasts the launch of her first point collection.«My great -grandfather had a knit brand and it makes me very excited to resume the legacy.It is a collection of garments made in Spain with Italian wool for those lookingFor sale on its website and is fascinating, the portal dedicated to national slow fashion where their bags also succeed.

Colored stripes star in the collection of knit garments.Photo: Ampi Aristu.Stylist: Blancapcr

With the objective of selling internationally - I achieved it six months ago and I had very well received in Italy and England, especially - and the idea of trying luck on some multi -brand platform on the horizon, Laia strives to “recover traditiontextile from our country, which has been lost because it goes more to produce in Turkey or Bangladesh »."Both the bags and the sweaters follow a very manual manufacturing process and, although it sounds like Cliché, I want the client to feel part of that process," he says.Hence, everything that surrounds its brand has a very close tone: from the names of women that baptize each of their bags, inspired by friends and acquaintances, to the relationship it establishes with their community on social networks.«Many clients write to me to ask me advice on which bag to choose to attend an event or send me the photos of their look carrying it.This has been the first summer in which I have started finding my creations at weddings without knowing anything about the guest and it makes me very excited.It is best to see that your work likes people ».

The designer Laia Alentorn.Photo: Ampi Aristu.Stylist: Blancapcr

Etiquetas: Bolsos|Made in Spain|Marcas españolas