Princess Diana and Tilda Swinton studied together: 14 celebrities who went to the same school

By : ujikiu / On : 08/02/2022

By:: Raquel Ortiz,Published 24 Aug 2021 – 03:08 PM EDT | Updated 24 Aug 2021 – 03:08 PM EDTReactShare

Red carpets, movie shoots and sets, awards shows and gala events have been the scene where many of the most legendary friendships and romances in the entertainment industry were born.

However, there are several celebrities and public figures who crossed paths long before they achieved fame. We present 14 celebrities who met at school.

#1 Jessie J and Adele

The BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology was the school where Jessie J and Adele first crossed paths.

Both were born in the United Kingdom in 1988 and today they are crowned as two of the most famous British singers in the world.

#2 Cameron Diaz and Snoop Dogg

Cameron Diaz and Snoop Dogg shared the halls of Long Beach Polytechnic High School in California, USA.

Despite going in different years, the celebrities did have interaction because Snoop Dog sold Cameron marijuana, according to the actress.

#3 Princess Diana and Tilda Swinton

Before becoming the Princess of Wales, Diana Spencer attended West Heath School for Girls, where she was classed with Oscar-winning and chameleon actress Tilda Swinton.

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#4 Prince William and Eddie Redmayne

Eddie Redmayne is another Oscar winner who shared hallways and living rooms with a member of royalty: none other than Prince William.

They both studied at the prestigious Eton College and were even on the same rugby team together. According to Redmayne, when they played, William took a lot of hits as everyone wanted to tackle the future king of England.

#5 Gwyneth Paltrow and Maya Rudolph

The friendship of Gwyneth Paltrow and Maya Rudolph arose from childhood thanks to the fact that their parents Dick Rudolph and Bruce Paltrow were friends since college.

Furthermore, being in the same elementary school, St. Augustine by the Sea, also caused them to further cultivate their friendship. Today they are still great friends.

#6 Timothée Chalamet and Ansel Elgort

The renowned LaGuardia School in New York crossed the paths of two rising stars: Timothée Chalamet and Ansel Elgort.

The young actors had several teachers in common and even played together on the basketball team.

#7 Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts

Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts have been friends since they studied together at North Sydney Girls High School, an all-girls high school in Australia's capital. The actresses coincided in this part of the world thanks to the fact that Naomi Watts lived for a few years in Kidman's native country.

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