'The mathematics of the mirror' visits the workshop of Alejandro G. Palomo

By : ujikiu / On : 06/03/2022

The mathematics of the mirrorBy PRENSA RTVE

'The mathematics of the mirror' reaches Posadas (Córdoba) to get to know in depth one of the fulfilled promises of fashion design in our country: Alejandro G. Palomo. Together with him, Carlos del Amor will get to know his farmhouse and his workshop, the home where he has created a cosmopolitan sewing house.

The program travels to the heart of this Cordovan town of just 7,000 inhabitants where there is a farmhouse converted into a cosmopolitan fashion house. There, Alejandro G. Palomo has his home, in addition to his workshop, where seamstresses from all over the town sit down to work hand in hand with genderless Palomo boys, sewing dresses that later end up in the hands of stars like Madonna or Beyonce.

Carlos del Amor will reveal to us the boy who, brave and happy, dressed up as a majorette or drag queen without caring about the looks of others. That boy who wore Barbies dreaming groundbreaking designs that he reflected in a notebook. He will investigate the secret of the success of this family business conceived with love, talent, daring, and not exempt from financial difficulties, but which begins to make the effort profitable by conquering big catwalks in New York or Paris.

They will also discover all the beauty, craftsmanship and values ​​that transcend fashion and that are also behind this very familiar dream that is Palomo Spain.