Jared Leto, Paolo in 'The House of Gucci': “Style for me is feeling great in what you wear and using it as an expression of who you are”

By : ujikiu / On : 14/05/2022

SHOP GUCCI GUILTY (90 ML, €95), AT GUCCI Ever since Alessandro Michele came to Gucci, he has surrounded himself with a kind of tribe of talented and iconoclastic artists. Do you feel part of this tribe?

Alessandro is a very dear friend of mine. I'm not sure if he belongs to a tribe, but I sincerely value his friendship.

The last time we interviewed you for GQ, you assured us that you were optimistic about the future and about the human condition. Has your perception changed this little hell that we have gone through during this year and a half?

I am always optimistic about the future of humanity. Every generation faces enormous challenges. This is one of those that has touched us. I continue to believe that there is kindness, thoughtfulness, positivity and strength in humanity and that they keep us moving.

Finally, you are an artist known for your courage and for always going that little bit further. Is there anything you haven't had a chance to do? What would be for you the great challenge that you would like to face?

Jared Leto, Paolo en ‘La casa Gucci’: “El estilo para mí es sentirte genial con lo que llevas y usarlo como una expresión de lo que eres”

There are some walls I'd like to climb that I haven't been able to yet, some countries I'd like to explore, and some dreams I'd like to make come true.

*Article originally published in GQ issue 279.

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