Ideal training What to study to be a dressmaker?

By : ujikiu / On : 26/02/2023

There are many professions for which it is difficult to know what should be studied to make a work career in them.One of them is that of fashion designer, which in addition to requiring creativity also needs training.

Behind each garment we wear, whether it is a pants, a dress or sneakers, there is a long design and preparation work.A complicated task that normally falls to the hands of fashionable dressmakers or designers, a profession that everyone knows but, however, most would not know what training path they must follow to devote to it.

Formative possibilities for fashion design

In order to be a dressmaker, it is necessary.And for this there are various training possibilities that range from basic professional training studies to the realization of university degrees.

Formación Profesional Básica

If you want to be a dressmaker you can opt for a basic degree of arrangement and repair of textile and leather articles.It is a perfect option to start your journey in the world of design and its requirements are quite basic: it is enough to be 15 years old and have completed 3rd that.Offers knowledge to repair clothing and make new items in different materials and products.

Grado Medio

Formación IDEAL ¿Qué estudiar para ser modista?

More complete is the average degree of clothing and fashion, for which it is necessary to have the graduate in that or a basic FP.This is a two -year and 2000 -hour training offer with which to obtain the title of Technician in Preparation and Fashion.In addition, through this option you can subsequently access a higher degree or perform jobs as a clothing specialist.

Grado Superior

Another possibility is the realization of the higher degree in technical design in textile and skin, for which it is necessary.Other options such as this are the higher degrees in patronage and fashion or the custom and show costume.All of them have a duration of 2000 hours distributed in two years.


Professional training apart, there is also the university route to work as a dressmaker and in professions related to fashion design.The most outstanding is the degree in fashion design, 4 -year duration and 240 credits.With him you will learn to design clothes, modejale, illustration, trends ... and will allow you to work as a fashion designer or artistic director.There are also other options such as postgraduate courses or specialized masters.