#Soy |José Luis González: Diversity inspires its designs

By : ujikiu / On : 24/10/2022

#Soy |José Luis González: Diversity inspires its designs - The Sun of Mexico |News, Sports, Gossip, Columns

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/ jueves 13 de enero de 2022
#Soy | José Luis González: La diversidad inspira sus diseños
Desde que debutó en 2006, cuando comenzó a presentar sus propias colecciones en todo México, el diseñador de modas José Luis González comenzó a construir su reputación como uno de los modistos más interesantes de la actualidad

Diseñador del Año en el Fashion Week México/ Cortesía | mills_josefashionshow

Alejandro Castro | El Sol de México

Since its formal beginnings in fashion, about 15 years ago, José Luis González began to call the attention of his own and strangers for his original creations that made in 2007 selected as “Best New Designer of the Year” at the Fashion Week Mexico.

In 2010, the original of Mexico City took second place in the Project Runway Latin America program, which led him to make his pininos in New York, where he currently lies and from where he has already produced five collections, with which he trafficksto celebrate the cultural diversity of that city.

For those who do not know you, who is José Luis González?

If I have to talk about my personality, I would say that I am a passionate warrior, they basically move me all things, I am moved by the beauty of the world in general ... I am a person who likes to be constantly inspired.

José Luis González con originales creaciones/ Cortesía | mills_josefashionshow

How would you define what you do?

I am a designer who likes to reinterpret his idea of multiculturalism, because now I live in Brooklyn, who is one of the neighborhoods with the greatest diversity of ethnic groups, and I like to represent that in my collections ... and as New York is a lot of streetwear,Well, I like to have the same in pieces that are commonly used but have some high fashion.

Your entrance to the fashion world and design were a bit unique.

Yes, I am one of those who had no idea what they wanted to do in life.I knew my skills and abilities, I knew that I liked to work as a team and that I was a creative person, but I did not associate them with a career, so I previously tried in other options;I enrolled in the Polytechnic for International Relations, examined the UNAM, and then looked in private schools to be a lawyer ... The truth is that I had no idea!And it was also that moment when I was getting to know me and in which I was making clear my convictions, in addition to my sexual orientation, that although I already knew I was gay, just like my family, because I did go through that moment inHe who did not know for example if my sexual orientation could dictate my profession, do I explain myself?Because I remember what I thought: what if I do this?They are going to tell me that I am gay.What if I do this another?He was very conflicted.

Cortesía | Raúl Tutiven

And what happened?

As I felt blocked, I got to work in sales, in the Benetton store of Coyoacán Centro, with the idea of being a time and gathering money, while I saw what happened, and I think that when I had that meeting, already truly close to theclothing, it was a watershed ... that's when I could feel, for example, what was a casimir or an angora.Total, that one day the person who was dedicated to placing the clothes in the mannequins of the showcase became ill and the head of the store was worried because there was no one who did that job, so I offered to help him, the truth had never done it, but I told him that we could get it forward as a team ... I remember that I was changing the mannequins and that since I ended up with the first people began to enter the store and ask for those complete outfit, just as I had fixed them.It was very funny, because people literally said "I want the mannequin," and the manager turned to see me surprised.

There you discovered that this was yours.

I remember that one of my colleagues, who was another seller, told me: And have you never thought about studying fashion design?And that was the first time in my life that I heard the term.And asked him: Fashion design?Are there schools to study that?

Then the aforementioned beginnings would come, already with their own collections and the achievements that little by little took him to New York, to the point of having the satisfaction that his pieces have been used by celebrities such as Broadway actor Alan Cumming.

Cortesía | Raúl Tutiven

"Here I have been officially saying six years, because before I was in a process like a tourist, doing internships, in which I was going and went, because I worked with a Mexican designer named Ricardo Seco," he recalls.

#Soy | José Luis González: La diversidad inspira sus diseños

He says that he chose this city to settle because of all fashion capitals is what he feels he fits his personality more.

“I don't feel, nor do I see Parisino, or Italian, do I explain myself?But I did see that the aesthetics of New York designers had that diversity that caught my attention, so I feel that in part here my clothes fits more or that they understand it faster, even that in Mexico, where I took a collection andThey understood it a year and a half later, while here people click immediately.

Of all your designs, which ones would you highlight the most or the ones that give you the most?

There was a time when I made a fusion of a classic coat and a grim, something that is now very trendy, but I did it five years ago, and those garments opened many doors to me;Many people wanted to photograph them, they liked it a lot.I feel that these pieces defined me a lot as a designer, for aesthetics, work and hours of creativity that they meant ....And another is when I used the concept of Chicanos, because it helped me precisely to represent my culture ... Beyond the stereotypes of past generations, I liked the concept of resuming the Chicana culture and reinterpreting it in my collections, so for twoyears in all my collections there are elements of such.

The creator of the Soidstudios brand - whose first word is God, written backwards - tells that he tries to be very in contact with Mexico:

Comfort, quality and avant -garde/ Cortesía | Raúl Tutiven

“Every year I try to do something, whether photos or something for some publication that helps me to continue being in force in my country.New York currently absorbs me all the time, but I am always in contact with people from Mexico, either because we work on a project or because people come from there to do their practices, ”he explains.

What is your most recent collection, "Rockmantic"?

I like to study society, I like philosophy and thought ... And now that we come from a clash with politicians, I feel that it is something very similar to the time of punk and the Chicanos, when there was also a form ofRebellion towards the system, but I started studying and I saw that at the time of romanticism people were also living that, which was another time when they did not like how the government handled them, so they went to the streets to march, and that's why I call him "rockmantic", which for me is a fusion between punk rock and romanticism, hence it is born.

Now that you mention punk rock, you can see the musical influence on your designs.What else are you inspired?

Basically I inspired human thinking, I see that society is talking about something and resume it, because everything is definitely connected: culture, fashion and art are a reflection of society, so everything inspires me: art, museums, all the information that comes from society.

Thanks José Luis.Could you mention three terms that encompass what you communicate with your creations?The first ones you can think of.

Comfort, quality and avant -garde.

We recommend the podcast ⬇️

Disponible en: Acast, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Deezer y Amazon Music

Since its formal beginnings in fashion, about 15 years ago, José Luis González began to call the attention of his own and strangers for his original creations that made in 2007 selected as “Best New Designer of the Year” at the Fashion Week Mexico.

In 2010, the original of Mexico City took second place in the Project Runway Latin America program, which led him to make his pininos in New York, where he currently lies and from where he has already produced five collections, with which he trafficksto celebrate the cultural diversity of that city.

For those who do not know you, who is José Luis González?

If I have to talk about my personality, I would say that I am a passionate warrior, they basically move me all things, I am moved by the beauty of the world in general ... I am a person who likes to be constantly inspired.

José Luis González con originales creaciones/ Cortesía | mills_josefashionshow

How would you define what you do?

I am a designer who likes to reinterpret his idea of multiculturalism, because now I live in Brooklyn, who is one of the neighborhoods with the greatest diversity of ethnic groups, and I like to represent that in my collections ... and as New York is a lot of streetwear,Well, I like to have the same in pieces that are commonly used but have some high fashion.

Your entrance to the fashion world and design were a bit unique.

Yes, I am one of those who had no idea what they wanted to do in life.I knew my skills and abilities, I knew that I liked to work as a team and that I was a creative person, but I did not associate them with a career, so I previously tried in other options;I enrolled in the Polytechnic for International Relations, examined the UNAM, and then looked in private schools to be a lawyer ... The truth is that I had no idea!And it was also that moment when I was getting to know me and in which I was making clear my convictions, in addition to my sexual orientation, that although I already knew I was gay, just like my family, because I did go through that moment inHe who did not know for example if my sexual orientation could dictate my profession, do I explain myself?Because I remember what I thought: what if I do this?They are going to tell me that I am gay.What if I do this another?He was very conflicted.

Cortesía | Raúl Tutiven

And what happened?

As I felt blocked, I got to work in sales, in the Benetton store of Coyoacán Centro, with the idea of being a time and gathering money, while I saw what happened, and I think that when I had that meeting, already truly close to theclothing, it was a watershed ... that's when I could feel, for example, what was a casimir or an angora.Total, that one day the person who was dedicated to placing the clothes in the mannequins of the showcase became ill and the head of the store was worried because there was no one who did that job, so I offered to help him, the truth had never done it, but I told him that we could get it forward as a team ... I remember that I was changing the mannequins and that since I ended up with the first people began to enter the store and ask for those complete outfit, just as I had fixed them.It was very funny, because people literally said "I want the mannequin," and the manager turned to see me surprised.

There you discovered that this was yours.

I remember that one of my colleagues, who was another seller, told me: And have you never thought about studying fashion design?And that was the first time in my life that I heard the term.And asked him: Fashion design?Are there schools to study that?

Then the aforementioned beginnings would come, already with their own collections and the achievements that little by little took him to New York, to the point of having the satisfaction that his pieces have been used by celebrities such as Broadway actor Alan Cumming.

Cortesía | Raúl Tutiven

"Here I have been officially saying six years, because before I was in a process like a tourist, doing internships, in which I was going and went, because I worked with a Mexican designer named Ricardo Seco," he recalls.

#Soy | José Luis González: La diversidad inspira sus diseños

He says that he chose this city to settle because of all fashion capitals is what he feels he fits his personality more.

“I don't feel, nor do I see Parisino, or Italian, do I explain myself?But I did see that the aesthetics of New York designers had that diversity that caught my attention, so I feel that in part here my clothes fits more or that they understand it faster, even that in Mexico, where I took a collection andThey understood it a year and a half later, while here people click immediately.

Of all your designs, which ones would you highlight the most or the ones that give you the most?

There was a time when I made a fusion of a classic coat and a grim, something that is now very trendy, but I did it five years ago, and those garments opened many doors to me;Many people wanted to photograph them, they liked it a lot.I feel that these pieces defined me a lot as a designer, for aesthetics, work and hours of creativity that they meant ....And another is when I used the concept of Chicanos, because it helped me precisely to represent my culture ... Beyond the stereotypes of past generations, I liked the concept of resuming the Chicana culture and reinterpreting it in my collections, so for twoyears in all my collections there are elements of such.

The creator of the Soidstudios brand - whose first word is God, written backwards - tells that he tries to be very in contact with Mexico:

Comfort, quality and avant -garde/ Cortesía | Raúl Tutiven

“Every year I try to do something, whether photos or something for some publication that helps me to continue being in force in my country.New York currently absorbs me all the time, but I am always in contact with people from Mexico, either because we work on a project or because people come from there to do their practices, ”he explains.

What is your most recent collection, "Rockmantic"?

I like to study society, I like philosophy and thought ... And now that we come from a clash with politicians, I feel that it is something very similar to the time of punk and the Chicanos, when there was also a form ofRebellion towards the system, but I started studying and I saw that at the time of romanticism people were also living that, which was another time when they did not like how the government handled them, so they went to the streets to march, and that's why I call him "rockmantic", which for me is a fusion between punk rock and romanticism, hence it is born.

Now that you mention punk rock, you can see the musical influence on your designs.What else are you inspired?

Basically I inspired human thinking, I see that society is talking about something and resume it, because everything is definitely connected: culture, fashion and art are a reflection of society, so everything inspires me: art, museums, all the information that comes from society.

Thanks José Luis.Could you mention three terms that encompass what you communicate with your creations?The first ones you can think of.

Comfort, quality and avant -garde.

We recommend the podcast ⬇️

Disponible en: Acast, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Deezer y Amazon Music


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