How much money they have and what the Javis spend, the current Midas kings of Spanish culture

By : ujikiu / On : 03/02/2023

On the contrary, Calvo did put Pica in Flanders becoming one of the stars of the physical and chemical youth series, but after her his fate in the castings declined, as often happens to many actors that reach fame in that typeof series.

At that point, in which Ambrossi served cups at the Válgame God and Calvo bar he received negatives in the castings, the idea of the musical was born the call that began representing in 2013 in the Hall of the Lara Theater and that has become the great phenomenon ofThe Spanish theatrical scene of the last decade.The 2017 film adaptation, with an approximate budget to a million euros, earned them a Goya to the best novel direction and a collection in Spain of more than 2.700.000 euros.Thus ‘Los Javis’ were born.

Since then, projects such as Looser (2018) have produced, I am a pringada series that has gone from Flooxer to Atresmedia;the Paquita Salas phenomenon, signed by Netflix after passing through Atresmedia;and poison, created for Atresmedia and that Netflix has included in its international catalog.

Las empresas con las que Los Javis se han convertido en una marca rentable más allá de la televisión

Cuánto dinero tienen y en qué se lo gastan Los Javis, los actuales reyes Midas de la cultura española

To carry out these projects, the Sumino Latina SL companies, which is its producer founded in 2016, and the so -called the Musical SL, also dedicated to the performing arts and founded in February 2020,.

The third company that prays in the registry, with registration of 2018, is Holagay SL, a company dedicated to the design and creation of clothing. Ambrossi y Calvo lanzaron la marca comercial As If Clothing, una línea de ropa colorista y desenfadada que traduce las claves de la estética de su universo creativo, junto a la ilustradora Amanda Portillo y la profesional de la moda Carola Etchart (de Etxart&Panno).The premise of this brand is to offer a product with personality, quality and short runs.

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