Heart Leyre Doueil, the creator of the most applauded dress in Letizia: "I saw her very pretty, I am very proud"

By : ujikiu / On : 07/02/2023

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Queen Letizia (48 years old) obtained a unanimous outstanding by the media and fashion experts as soon as Basque territory stepped on this Tuesday.The Kings moved to the city of Vitoria to inaugurate the memorial center of the victims of terrorism and the wife of Felipe VI (53) did not hesitate to make a wink to the land he visited.

At that moment, the emotion ofLeyre Doueil began to sprout.He got up on a Tuesday like any other to go to work and take care of his children when, suddenly, the first messages, calls and congratulations began to arrive.The Queen had chosen one of her pieces for her last act and also, all media criticisms were positive in reference to the choice of styling.The Bilbao designer did not give credit to what their eyes saw.In conversation with Jaleos, the creative only has signs of thanks to such unstoppable repercussion.

Letizia chose a Douueil Leyre dress for his visit to Vitoria this Tuesday.Gtres

How did the news get?

I got up like a normal day, at noon I had to feed my children and I found all this.But come on, everything is good news in the end.This is an energy contribution and everything I am receiving is great.Above it is like all the effort, for all the work behind, is like they give you a palmadita on your back and a push to follow;And that is what I really get from all this;regardless of whether the queen is, that it is a tip, of course.But it's like it makes me breathe.

She is excited...

Really yes.I hadn't shuddered like a long time.It has been very good feeling.

How did the idea of sending one of her garments come to the queen?

Everything has been fascinating the multi -brand platform.They have a superbous communication cabinet and we will consider the possibility of sending something to the queen, but until today I have not been aware.That was there, we did the job, but until today I did not know if he was going to put it on, if he was not going to put it on, if he liked it, if he did not like...

And in the end he put it on and in his land.

CorazónLeyre Doueil, la creadora del vestido más aplaudido de Letizia:

In Vitoria, in an event where you fight for freedom and for human rights, I love that it has been, I can't ask for more!It is a wink that has made me a lot of illusion.

Did you choose the concrete dress for the queen?

No, it was among all the team.Knowing the queen's tastes a little, we were clear, she was agreed, but we were clear that Letizia is a great shirt defender.It is a design that was in the campaign, it is not that it is made exclusively for her, but it is true that of the models that were there I did not hesitate to be a shirt, and the truth is that she liked it.

Do you know if they were sent more?

I don't know, but in the end they are such personal tastes, and it is complicated for someone like the queen.In addition, she is already surrounded by a team of stylists who advise her and there I think they filter.

The designer is excited to see how the queen wore her piece.Gtres

He has already entered the queen's dressing room.

I do not believe it, huh, today for me it is unthinkable, and that it is from a collection, which is not that it is a consolidated brand.But it has emerged like this and I personally feel superorgullosa.

Have you already noticed the impact?In the networks, in the interest in the dress...

Yes of course.What happens is that the part of the networks I do not carry it, but yes.All I have is gratitude, a lot of messages, relatives, representatives of some brands and others, people from the fashion world, and I want to answer and thank everyone.I do not know how many followers have risen, if they have come down, of course there has been an impact because I notice it on the phone, in the mails, but I haveToday I want to live it.

They will immediately notice the 'Letizia phenomenon'...

Yes, but what matters most is that I have seen her beautiful.I feel, above all, very well because I have seen her beautiful, who sat unpolluted her, was perfect everything, the lazada, the length, the enthalla...It has been like 'Wow!I love it'.With the wind the perfect movement looked, I liked seeing it this good.EVERYTHING SUPEROACERTADO, IS THAT IT HAS ANY PEAGE, AND THAT I AM VERY CRITICISM FOR THAT, I don't care if it's the queen, but this time I fit everything.I know that he has millions of eyes on top and that everything was so successful, I love it.

What was inspired to create this design?

This is the third collection and each collection is closely linked to my personal situation of each moment.Then the first is more related to India, but also has a point of illusion;Then came the Maemuki collection, which means 'look forward', because he had suffered a difficult situation in the family;And now I was at a stage where I wanted to take roots and from there the name of this last collection to which the dress belongs.Each collection and each name of the garments is linked to my personal situation.And specifically about the queen's dress is that I always have a shirt in my closet, and I am in love with the walks, and create from a dress that may seem very sober to get the most surprising options.But it is not that he is inspired by the queen.

The queen's shirt dress is still available on the web for 295 euros.Leyre Doueil

It has been working on fashion decades.Tell me a little about your story.

My family has always been linked to the world of preparation, fashion.My grandparents and then my parents have always had a local commerce that apart from tailoring was like multi -brands.I have raised among counter.So when I made a race, I already decided that I wanted to continue with it;But people told me that what the trade has is that it is very sacrificed at schedules and others and my family asked me not to stay with the store, but it is time to choose and that is what I felt I wanted to do.I stayed with the store, I opened another point of sale, plus online sale.And when my father died I went to India with the Vicente Ferrer Foundation and from there life makes you stop to think and I decided that I needed more time for me and my children.And as I liked clothes and created a brand of timeless garments, made in Spain, with trusted people and making small collections.

"We bet on an independent, strong and safe woman of herself", this is what can be read in her online store.Do you think the queen is like that?

Yes, I see it in that profile.I say it because there are times that not everyone knows how to wear a pompon or a monkey of mirrors...Yes, I believe in an independent woman, to do what you want, to buy what you want, without the husband or anyone says nothing.And safe because none of my garments is simple, even if I have a simple cut, it always has a lot of cloth or more different patronages, so there is always something that makes it special, which is what it is about.

Have you dressed more known faces?

Yes, recently Sofía Palazuelo (29), has contacted us the presenter Cristina Pampín also...Here we go.And I love to collaborate with those I have close, everything that is collaborating with editorials of the Basque Country I love, I like those synergies and in the end create a group of friends and so you have that support that lifts you when you are low.

[More information: The outstanding of Letizia in his last premiere with wink included in the Basque Country]

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