H & M presents circulator, a tool for circular design

By : ujikiu / On : 20/09/2022

Circator has a guide and an evaluation tool that brands can use to circulate their collections

23.eleven.2021.- Para convertirse en una empresa circular y sostenible, el Grupo H&M presenta Circulator, una herramienta de diseño circular.The group wants all its products to be created by 2025 to be circular from the designer's table.In the longest term, it will invite other fashion brands to do the same.

A finales de 2021, además, H&M lanzará ya una colección completa de moda que ha sido ya diseñada con la ayuda de Circulator.

Circator must raise awareness and reduce the complexity and subjectivity of circular design decisions.It has been developed with the collaboration of a wide range of internal and external experts, to make the vision of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation a reality. Al poner esta herramienta a disposición de otras empresas en los próximos años, H&M quiere compartir y reunir conocimientos y aprendizajes con todos ellos para apoyar conjuntamente la transición del sector de la moda hacia una economía circular.

We have contributed to the development of Curve.We are excited about the future exchange with other companies, which will expand the knowledge, experiences and tools of each of them to reach a common consensus on the circularity of products.

Helena Helmersson, CEO del Grupo H&M, ha sentenciado: tenemos que transformar la forma en que diseñamos y producimos nuestros productos para cumplir nuestros ambiciosos objetivos circulares y climáticos.We also recognize the need to accelerate the transformation of the sector.The circulator tool will support both objectives.Collaboration is the only way to advance.At the same time, however, we want to show our leadership in the transition to circular fashion.

Circator: downloadable guide and evaluation tool

H&M presenta Circulator, una herramienta para el diseño circular

Circator consists of two parts: a downloadable guide and a digital evaluation tool. Con el primer lanzamiento de la Guía descargable este mismo otoño, H&M quiere invitar a todo el mundo a co-crear y aprender juntos.The experiences and comments generated by the first launch phase- the downloadable guide- will contribute to the development of the evaluation tool, which will see the light in the medium term and that will be tested with partners of the sector.With HPV and Asos already has strong partners who share their ambition to boost change.

Para hacer posible un verdadero cambio en el sector –piensa Sarah Hayes, experta en circularidad de H&M-, tenemos que colaborar y trabajar conjuntamente en soluciones innovadoras.We feel the urgency facing our sector as a whole.We want to learn together to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.We value progress more than perfection.We know that we don't have all the answers, but we will learn by making the way.It's time to move from words to facts.

Hace tiempo que H&M tiene en su agenda ofrecer a sus clientes formas fáciles y evaluables de prolongar el ciclo de vida de sus prendas, pero el planteamiento circular empieza mucho antes.All their brands have their own internal design teams that share the mission of creating new designs and inspiring products that allow their customers to enjoy them in a more sustainable way.Conscious decision making focuses on three main areas: environmental impact, durability and recyclability.Circator simplifies and supports from now on that effort.

We have already proven that our design equipment is excited when they use this tool, Sarah Hayes also confesses.As we are part of the sector, we are all increasingly aware of its negative impact on the environment and the challenges facing our planet.It stimulates us to take practical measures to change the way we manufacture and use the products.

+ Info: https: // hmgroup.com/

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