Gastro Cafeterias are becoming fashionable in Madrid

By : ujikiu / On : 09/03/2022

We always talk about restaurants but in Madrid there is a revolution regarding cafeterias. Coquettish, with an industrial look, cosy, minimalist… And all of them with spectacular coffee, the most important thing about these places. We like that importance is given to snacks, mid-morning coffees and breakfasts and you will like it more with this list of coffee shops that have just opened their doors in the capital.


It is more than a cafeteria, it is the most fashionable churrería in Madrid. An industrial churrería that modernizes this concept, so traditional in our heads. Chocolate churros have never gone out of style, but we never imagined them in a designer cafeteria. A new place in the Barrio de Salamanca, which we keep seeing on Instagram, where you almost have to make a reservation.

Bucolic Cafe

Gastro Las cafeterías se están poniendo de moda en Madrid

Coffee shops have always had a bohemian vibe, right? Well, there are sites that also have the appearance. This is the case of Bucolico Café, which welcomes you with specialty coffee and delicious pastries so you can spend the whole afternoon reading. Fermented butter, sourdough bread, special brunches... In an atmosphere of vintage furniture and worn walls. On Barbieri street.


The owners of Fayer have opened a couple of addresses between Las Salesas and Almagro, two of the most fashionable neighborhoods in Madrid. And between those addresses there is a coffee shop: Golda. A cafeteria with a Mediterranean spirit with the flavor of its older brother -the most successful Israeli restaurant in the capital- where you can have a coffee at any time of the day. His pastries are magnificent. In its decoration: yellow tiles, minimalist decoration... A cafeteria that, we could say, takes us to Berlin.

Bread and Pickles Coffee

On Calle Escorial, in the heart of Malasaña, we have this craft cafeteria. Behind this new corner is Javier Sánchez Medina -he has worked for brands like Loewe-, who has a workshop very close by. For this reason, the rattan works that we find here attract our attention, because they have his seal. The bullfighter's jacket is, without a doubt, his most photographed piece. Pastries, good coffees and an industrial yet cozy charm that has made it one of the places to be in this Madrid neighbourhood. Before it was an old grocery store... And it shows.