From maquila to design: fashion of economic reactivation in Tolima

By : ujikiu / On : 26/01/2023









This is how today, thanks to their multiple efforts, great national brands such as Arkitect, Pat Primo and Totto, produce their garments from Ibagué, as well as the regional brands that today have great national recognition, such as ROTT +CO, monarch, tomatoes, CPCompany;But also the microentrepreneurs, as well as the Tolimenses designers, have managed to capture in their creations what they find in their surroundings, such as the crafts of the chamba, or the guamunos landscapes, taking them to the catwalk and presenting them with pride before Colombia and the world.Today, Tolima has the most important fashion fair in the center of the country, which despite the unexpected adversities of the pandemic, has not given its arm to twist and continues to support the entrepreneurs of the fashion industry that, onlyTo cite an example, at the close of its most recent edition, number 12, it had more than $ 11.600 million pesos projected in sales thanks to the business wheel in which more than 220 specialized buyers gathered with the 250 bidders of the region, exceeding the achievements obtained in its last edition.An event that not only energized the hotel, gastronomic, commercial and transport sector, but directly benefited the economy of 53 small entrepreneurs who exhibited their products in the fashion hall to the letter in which they got sales to the detailed by detailed by these microentrepreneurs, for more than $ 38 million pesos during the three days of the fair in which the catwalk lights with nine parades were also illuminated, after their absence in the previous edition that, due to isolation issues, was not carried out.And without a doubt, the challenge is maintained: to remain updated in knowledge, at the forefront of the new proposals, the new systems, the new needs of a consumer who today is more concerned with the care of the planet, of the use of versatile garments, thanThey ask companies for a balance between designs and sales, now for new channels, by social networks, with home shipping or demanding in store, among other great challenges, so during this edition, more than 1.500 entrepreneurs benefited from seminars, forums, trend talks.In addition, a special chapter was dedicated to 60 microentrepreneurs who received a specialized and even personalized technical accompaniment, supported by renowned guardians such as the designer Jorge Duque Vélez, known as 'The fashion genius in Colombia', and in which they received seed capitalby the Government of Tolima, consisting of an input kit to support the creation of its garments.




De maquila a diseño: la moda de la reactivación económica en el Tolima




De la planta a la vitrina: transformación del algodón con sentido socialEn la actualidad, uno de los proyectos más innovadores de Cormoda se teje de la mano del Centro de Productividad del Tolima y el programa ‘Más Algodón’ de FAO: A la cadena textil + confección, se suma en el primer eslabón la producción de algodón, devolviéndole al Tolima esos paisajes que hace algunas décadas, vestían de blanco sus valles.This spinning project will seek the seal of denomination of origin such as ‘Tolima Cotton’, with this product that will allow the creation of differential fabrics and garments, which will be recognized for their good quality.This spinning project with state -of -the -art technology is consolidating for two years and will soon open to local and foreign investors.With it, it is expected to produce about 3.600 tons of soft cotton and cotton thread Polyester, Premium, for Colombia markets and the world that require the highest quality.This initiative also has a high social component by generating 200 direct jobs and the linking of 8.000 Tolimenses peasants for sowing on land that will add 4.000 hectares, some of them, located in territories that were affected by the armed conflict of past years.In addition, it has a commitment to the planet, seeking sustainable production: low environmental impact, with social compliance and fair trade.Today, in Ibagué there is not only talk of maquila, there is also talk of growth, proposals, creations, fashion and reactivation.

CP27 de octubre 2021, 04:34 P. M.DCDiana Milena Cabezas Mora27 de octubre 2021, 04:34 P. M.Relacionados:






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