Fashion creatives pay tribute to their mentor, designer Manuel Wolf, with the exhibition 'Irreverent', at the MAAC

By : ujikiu / On : 01/04/2022

The sudden departure of fashion designer Manuel Wolf (+) still keeps the fashion guild in dismay, and especially the creatives that make up the Design Authors and Fashion Creators of Ecuador, which Wolf founded in 2004. Precisely because For this reason , Sadycme has prepared a large tribute to the creative producer who died on July 25 of this year, due to a sudden cardiac arrest.

The offering, which includes an exhibition of the costumes created by Wolf and by the designers he guided in life, opens this Thursday, October 7 at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the Museum of Anthropology and Contemporary Art (Malecón Simón Bolívar and Calle Loja ). The sample has been titled Irreverent .

Designer Manuel Wolf dies suddenly of a heart attack

“The idea of ​​doing this tribute came up when we were at (Wolf's) wake three months ago . It is going to be a very elegant, beautiful event, but above all very emotional ”, explains designer Carlos Mera , current president of Sadycme . "Manuel's career will be exhibited, his work as a designer and producer, which was what he dedicated himself to the most in the last decades of his life."

Creativos de moda rinden homenaje a su mentor el diseñador Manuel Wolf con la muestra ‘Irreverente’, en el MAAC

The meeting will feature the participation of 21 fashion exponents , for whom Wolf was his mentor and friend, in the areas of clothing, footwear, jewelry and accessories, such as Athelier Esther, Iwa Lee, Vivián Tettamanti, Eduardo Villamar, Julián Asang , among others.

"Each one will show a high fashion proposal, on mannequins, inspired by the color palette that Manuel used , such as pastel pink, apple green, black, white and gray, each one reflecting its style and essence," Mera illustrates.

Mariela Viteri will be the host of the tribute, in which the historian Jenny Estrada will also take part, in charge of a semblance about the late designer, and the designer Patricia Klein , as a special guest. The fashion exhibition will be open to the public for a week, it can be visited from 10:00.