EsSDM summer courses to reactivate the fashion sector

By : ujikiu / On : 15/08/2022

This week has begun a new edition of Essdm's summer courses, Center for Higher Design Artistic Teachings in Seville, with a program focused on economic reactivation, knowledge renewal and digital transformation to strengthen the strategies of the productive tissue of the productive tissue of thefashion sector.

After the inauguration by Shingo Sato, considered the best patronist in the world, a wide formative offer will be developed during the month of July in the field of fashion: fashion design, fashion illustration, pattern and preparation, flamenco fashion, hatred and headdresses, Digital pattern, digital illustration or junior fashion cam.In addition, programs such as fashion styling, digitalization of fashion companies, sustainability and ecodesign, Business Social Media or Fashion Film, make up the Summer Courses Business Block 2021.

The programs are divided into different levels depending on the student's profile: initial or advanced level;They are aimed at both professionals who want to complement their knowledge, and to all those who want to live the experience of the design world.


 Cursos de verano de la Essdm para reactivar el sector de la moda

Essdm is a teaching center that is born as an initiative of a group of professionals with a very precise vision: not only contribute to the training of the most important resource that a country may have, the human resource, but also, contribute to technological development andIndustrial of Spain in the design sector.

Essdm directs the training activity of the design sector ensuring the preparation of the new designers that the industry needs, seeking the appropriate knowledge and techniques to meet the demand of the sector.

Essdm promotes the integral formation of the person and the search for beauty, offering professionals who know how to reflect on the positive social influence of design, their impact on improving the quality of life, as well as their ability to generate identity, innovation and quality in the production.