EMOTIONAL EDUCATION �Oan passenger fashion or a new educational look?:: The coast - News - Santa Fe - Argentina - Ellitoral.com ::

By : ujikiu / On : 09/12/2022

By Cristian Sperati (*)

November 10 is the date chosen to disseminate the importance of emotional education in the development and growth of the human being.We commemorate that November 10, 2016 when the province of Corrientes promulgated the Emotional Education Law.Later the province of Misiones joined.

The city of Santa Fe instituted by Ordinance 12435 of 2017 the incorporation into the school curriculum of the initial level this theme, being the first city of Argentina in the implementation of the same.


We define emotional education as an educational strategy with neuroscientific, philosophical, phenomenological and pedagogical foundations, whose main objective is to improve the quality of life of individuals through the development of emotional intelligence.This means that, through planned learning, in a systemic and sustained way in time, we will achieve people motivated towards a positive life purpose, with greater tolerance to frustration and socio-emotional tools adaptive to the environment that crosses it, in summary, ahuman being with healthy habits that moves him away from dysfunctional behaviors.

A little history

WHO defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well -being, and not only the absence of conditions or diseases.From this concept we can infer that the work of promoting healthy (physical and emotional) habits is one step ahead of preventive systems because they require active participation of the individual in their quality of life.This organization elaborates in 1993 a document focused on education (Life Skills Education in School) in which it defines emotional skills as "capacities to adopt adaptive and positive behavior that allows individuals to effectively address the demands and challenges of the daily life".Later, in 1998 he presents a glossary on health promotion to develop in the educational field by listing 10 life skills, of which at least 6 are specifically emotional.

Educaci�n Emocional �una moda pasajera o una nueva mirada educativa? : : El Litoral - Noticias - Santa Fe - Argentina - ellitoral.com : :

And that is the field of action of emotional education.The clear limit is the pathology, reserved exclusively to clinical, psychological and psychological health professionals.

"The heart has reasons that the reason ignores" **

Metaphorically the reasons of the heart are nothing more than the emotions that are generated in our brain.It is energy for the action/inaction that fluctuates between the pleasant and the displacing depending on our perceptual framework.Emotions are neither good nor bad, they are necessary.

These are constituted in the language of the body, permanently interacting with each other to guarantee the survival of the individual.Similarly, thought is the language of the brain.The way of interpreting our reality is a mixture between what I perceive bodily with the environment, which I interpret emotionally (interoception) and the usual thoughts (beliefs constructed by past experiences that are reinterpreted in the day to day).

The educational challenge is to include in a sustained way the exercise of internal observation to mold our behaviors.

Estanislao Bachrach, expert in molecular biology, refers to the ability to use metacognition (awareness and understanding of thought patterns) to modify our interiority, satisfactorily manage emotions, change habits and behaviors and, thus, obtain more resultsclose to the objectives we set out.He maintains, the professional, "the mind is energy" that has the ability (from functional and adaptive interpretations) of generating new synapses (neuronal connections), modifying the chemistry of the brain and its physiological context (neuroplasticity).

Education as social responsibility

Any significant adult who actively participates in the learning process (for life) of a child becomes an educator and there we differentiate the "ex officio educators", those who learned the exercise of educating with the bases that their significant adultsThey left them through the daily example and the "education professionals", who for their expertise and training in didactics and pedagogy are those who participate in the educational system as teachers, teachers, etc..

Therefore, regardless of the academic trajectory that the individual possesses, it is, unfailingly, an educator.

There inhabits the importance of promoting socio-emotionally literate adults that, through their actions and example, are the support of new generations that grow in health.

"Gratitude is the heart's memory" (***)

From the Santa Fe Emotional Education Civil Association we want to thank each of the people and institutions that accompanied us and help us disseminate the subject (families, teachers, school assistants, media, journalists, public and private organizations).We want to continue with the joint work in the construction of a more equitable society and free of violence.

From the Civil Association Emotional Education we work solidarily and free, taking talks and workshops to the entire country.These include: emotional education in public and private educational institutions;Neurosciences and emotional education from sports in clubs;Vocational guidance and life purpose for students of the last years of high school;Free environments of violence and assertive communication in the workplace;Emotional education through the performing arts.Theater and oratory for personal development.

(*) Psychological Consultant, President of the Civil Association Emotional Education, E-mail: [Email Protected]

(**) Blaise Pascal

(***) Lao Tse

Print edition

The original text of this article was published in our printed edition.Previous editions |Print edition