Emerging designers forecast what 2022 will look like

By : ujikiu / On : 31/03/2022

Designers from five emerging Spanish fashion brands tell us how they see 2022: Morle, Cherry Massia, Marlo Studio, Reparto Studio and Karont. A year with many novelties in the fashion industry, such as the Meterverse Fashion Week.

Trends are cyclical and each season, even if they are similar, in the end everything comes back. You will already be aware of how the year will be, but the last word is located in the emerging Spanish brands. All the designers who have built a firm from the beginning, and struggle to find a niche, are currently setting the times in design. Morle, Cherry Masiss, Marlo Studio, Reparto Studio or Karont are some of the leading firms in Spain. If you want to know what path fashion will take in 2022, the best way is to ask these designers what their plans are. Although you know, everything can change.

Above: Cherry Massia's Nadir Collection.

Above: Line, Lots of Shit from Cast Studio.

We interviewed the creators of five emerging Spanish fashion brands to find out what they expect from 2022. Morle, Cherry Massia, Marlo Studio, Reparto Studio and Karont

It would be daring to say that emerging firms (which are sometimes not so new), are stepping on the ground of conventional ones. In the Fashion Weeks, the attending public and the critics have greater expectations for the new parades than for the usual ones. Below we will find out what 2022 will be like, the key year for the digitization of the industry. Let's listen to: Morle, Cherry Massia, Marlo Studio, Reparto Studio and Karont

Above: Collection 000 @morlestudio

1 – Jorge Moreno de Morle

Uniting art, history and fashion seems to be a simple task, but it is not. Morle, firm of Jorge Moreno, manages to merge three areas that need to feed each other. All of his designs are built under the atmosphere of elegance. The designer plays with the concept of time and relativity that he has for each person.

How do you see 2022 regarding design and new proposals?

To present the next Autumn Winter season, I am preparing a capsule collection that will have approximately 10 garments that will go on sale from next March 2022. In addition, there are projects that will see the light soon, such as the wardrobe for a short film that I feel very proud to have designed.

What goals are marked on your list of purposes in the brand?

Morle's short- and medium-term goals are to reiterate the inclusion and diversity of the body, as well as reinterpret "traditional femininity" in fashion, taking it to a current context where gender roles do not exist.

Above: Collection 000 @morlestudio

What aspects would you like to eliminate in this new course?

Rather than eliminate, it would change the form of action. I would like to use the impact of the image garments to help sales on demand that are more commercial: this allows not to generate stock and has a minimal climate impact. Due to the economic crisis caused by COVID 19, emerging designers have encountered more obstacles, optimizing our business structures and taking responsibility for the future.

Above: Collection 000 @morlestudio

Will the metaverse as a new runway platform become a reality for emerging fashion brands?

It is already a reality that many brands include in their business model and in which they must invest. It helps to reach the public in an innovative and interactive way, facilitating the reduction of costs and pollution, taking a further step towards digitization in the fashion industry. Personally, Morle prefers the conventional fashion show way of presenting his collections, although the metaverse is a very interesting way of running online campaigns or presentations. We are not closed to using it in the future when we have more resources.

Los diseñadores emergentes pronostican cómo será el 2022

Above: Image of the Nadir @cherrymassia collection Photography: Ana Martí.

2 – Irene Massia from Cherry Massia

Defining what Cherry Massia is like is very easy, because three adjectives can be applied: strength, empowerment and creativity. Irene Massia, the brand's designer, from the first moment we met her geometric dresses or her version of the classic mantilla, everyone was clear that it would not be just another firm. Nathy Peluso or Milena Smit have opted for her designs.

How do you see 2022 regarding design and new proposals?

Fashion should always have a responsibility beyond the aesthetic. Right now and for the future, I think you need to provide light, criticism or solutions. Better if it's all together.

Above: Image of the Nadir @cherrymassia collection Photography: Ana Martí.

What goals are marked on your list of purposes in the brand?

Launch a very nice project, in which I have been working for a long time with the help of many friends and continue to grow nationally and internationally.

What aspects would you like to eliminate in this new course?

The uncertainty and the fear of being wrong.

Will the metaverse as a new platform for parades be a reality for everyone?

Surely yes. The need to escape to other realities is an inevitable consequence of everything we've been through lately, but right now the whole topic of the metaverse doesn't matter to me, I'm more concerned with the universe.

Above: @mmarlostudio Collection

3 – Marcio Lopez and Zsolt Nagyvati from Marlo Studio

Futuristic fashion is a reality and as time goes by, designers are betting on this conception. Marlo Studio is based on the creation and drawing of a fashion without limits and with an eye on what society will be a few years later. The brand founded by Marcio Lopez and Zsolt Nagyváti in 2019 marked a before and after for the public who wants to leave behind the typical industry clichés.

How do you see 2022 regarding design and new proposals?

We have two views on this issue:

Looking at the big picture, there is now a big wave in the fashion industry that is starting to return to quality fashion design. The smaller and lesser-known designers, but also most of the big designers, are differentiating themselves from the big tycoon, that is, they are clothing companies that are unique and want to make creative clothes. Creativity and quality is the good and important way we should give our clients as designers.

Another way is something more personal: as designers and creators we are sure to discover new ways, using elements that we have not used before. We cannot say that we are changing everything and completely now, since our brand does not have many decades of history. We have not stopped at anything yet, we know what our style is, our aesthetic and we have reached the end of our journey

Above: @mmarlostudio Collection

What goals are marked on your list of purposes in the brand?

As a brand, we want to advance, grow and generate. We really have many goals, but we don't want to go too far or accelerate progress because we think that everything has its own course and time. We want to go back to organizing parades and more personal events. We believe that fashion cannot exist without events where people meet, exchange opinions and interact. For us it is very important to be in contact with people, our clients or our followers. .

In addition to the brand, as people, we also want to grow and develop. There is always something new to learn, try and evolve.

What aspects would you like to eliminate in this new course?

We want less tension and uncertainty. Unfortunately, the events of the last 2 years have spread like a kind of dark cloud across the world and into the fashion industry itself. We want a calmer period where we can only focus on our creativity and not our daily survival.

We also see many unnecessarily created difficulties in the world that also hinder our work. It would be nice if we could slowly return to our old way of life so that we can make our way towards our goals.

Above: @mmarlostudio Collection

Will the metaverse as a new runway platform become a reality for emerging fashion brands?

The metaverse is still in development, but we see fantasy in it and it's probably some kind of path that will take it into the future. There are also advantages to these types of presentations. We can let our imagination fly better, but there are also some less positive ones, especially when thinking of a smaller or fairly well-known brand. Metaverse will be truly accessible to everyone if the technical implementation of such an online fashion show is so simple that anyone can create it without any problems.

Above: Designs by @repartostudio

4- Ana and Margil from Reparto Studio

If you think about the design of the Basque Country and Mexico, you will automatically believe that they are very far apart, but this is not the case. Ana and Margil, founders of Reparto Studio is the best example that a good cocktail of designs, ideas and patterns without rules, has a result of ten. As they affirm, Reparto Studio through its collections, are allowing to configure in a solid way, different characters that are on the street.

How do you see 2022 regarding design and new proposals?

We could look it up and give an elaborate answer, but to be honest we're not very into it. In general, we believe that a dark age is coming, a lot of NFT, payments with cryptocurrencies and now that ZARA is going to release a haute couture collection... Anything can happen. People are crazy to continue looping the loop.

Above: Designs by @repartostudio

What goals are marked on your list of purposes in the brand?

For now, our goals remain simple: launch a new collection and commercial part and continue taking firm steps with the most important values ​​of the brand: sustainability, concept and maintaining affordable prices.

What aspects would you like to eliminate in this new course?

The state of permanent alert. COVID is not going to go away, but we need to get back to stability.

Will the metaverse as a new runway platform become a reality for emerging fashion brands?

No, it will be something that we will see in luxury brands, specialized in the digital world and of course those that can afford it. For us it is not in our plans because as an emerging brand, there are many things that we have to cover for such a small team and with a fair budget.

Above: Designs by @karont__

5- Aleix Diaz, Roberto Rodriguez and Paul Lorant from Karont

When you unite three creative minds with the desire to destroy, the answer is the creation of innovative, different and transgressive designs. Aleix Díaz, Roberto Rodríguez and Paul Lorant are the members of Karont. This brand presented its "TRECE" collection for the first time at MBFWM. People are still talking about their clothes, it must be for a reason.

How do you see 2022 regarding design and new proposals?

We have many projects in hand, some already done, others on the way and others in mind. Our agenda is almost full, so this year you can enjoy them, since it's not just about fashion, but about the Karont universe.

Above: Designs by @karont__

What goals are marked on your list of purposes in the brand?

As an emerging brand we obviously have many purposes on the list. But mainly to internationalize ourselves. Yes, it is true that at the national level we have been received with open arms and we are very grateful, but now we want to take the big step and expand our community, since it has been our main purpose since the beginning.

Above: Designs by @karont__

Will the metaverse as a new runway platform become a reality for emerging fashion brands?

It already is, for example, Balenciaga with the Simpsons, or another clear example is Kid Super who did it before, presenting their SS21 collection "Everything's Fake Until It's Real" which, by the way, if you haven't seen it, I recommend it to you because it's a Wonderful. Who will be next? Us? Everything is possible, everything is allowed.