The Higher Fashion Design Center of Madrid and H&M promote "CSDMM&H&M Circular Program"

By : ujikiu / On : 22/02/2022


The Higher Fashion Design Center of Madrid (CSDMM) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid – a benchmark in fashion training and at the forefront for offering its students new opportunities in the sector – together with H&M promotes the 'CSDMM&H&M Circular Program'. A project framed in the Official Degree of Fashion Design of the CSDMM-UPM that promotes the training of future promises of circular fashion design.

Directed by Juan Vidal, -designer and professor at the CSDMM-UPM- together with Nuria Ramírez, Director of Sustainability of H&M Spain and brand professionals, the young designers will come into contact with the reality of the textile industry and will receive training on sustainable fashion . To do this, they will participate in projects such as 'Upcycling' –where they will create pieces from H&M garments– and 'Collection' –looks patronized, made and executed by themselves–.

Fashion with a conscience from young designers

The emerging talents will take as a starting point the knowledge obtained at the CSDMM-UPM on design, innovation and technology and the use of materials for committed fashion. All this, linked to the commitment to sustainability and the reuse of garments, values ​​present in the H&M collections.

With the collaboration of the CSDMM-UPM and H&M, the Center reflects its commitment to connecting the academic field and the professional market with initiatives that value training in fashion to achieve maximum professionalism.

"Young designers must face the environmental and ethical challenges that the sector faces. For this reason, the Higher Fashion Design Center of Madrid of the Polytechnic University and H&M collaborate for the first time to provide an educational project that looks to the future ", highlights Guillermo García-Badell, Director of the CSDMM-UPM.

For his part, Francisco Javier Jiménez Leube, Vice-Rector for Institutional Communication and Foreign Promotion at UPM explains that "at the University we work to provide added value in the education of designers. With initiatives such as the 'CSDMM&H&M Circular Program', we contribute from our academic position to change in the fashion industry with training based on innovation: we are the UPM, leaders in engineering and technology training, essential aspects in the fashion industry".

Likewise, Juan Vidal points out that "the way society consumes is changing and the fashion industry must know how to adapt. And, in this sense, the new generations have already internalized that sustainability is essential in our sector. We as a Center of reference in fashion training, we must work together with them to provide them with the knowledge and tools necessary to grow in their career with a sustainable perspective".

