Duque plays it for the minimum salary of one million pesos

By : ujikiu / On : 25/02/2022

The minimum wage of over one million pesos is the goal that President Iván Duque has set for himself since his campaign and that he wants to achieve this year, which is why last week he had a meeting at the Casa de Nariño with Paisa businessmen in the that confirmed their desire to leave as a legacy the largest salary increase in history.

It is not only a round figure that would catapult the image of him just during the electoral period, but the most significant real increase that Colombia has had, which would not be without consequences for the economy, as has been stated by the unions .

Last year when the president trilled the salary increase, a shower of criticism came down on him because he said that for the first time Colombians would earn more than a million pesos, he was counting on the $ 106,000 corresponding to the transportation subsidy . So the minimum was $908,526.

On this occasion, to obtain the million pesos, an increase of 10.07% would be necessary, much higher than the figure contemplated by businessmen, which if anything would slightly exceed the inflation that is projected by the experts of the Banco de la República in 5, 3%. Sectors such as industry and construction, which were reactivated first, offer a maximum of 7%, since they add up to 1.9% of productivity that was revealed on Friday; while commerce and tourism point downwards.

In any case, the percentage that results from the negotiation, which must be finalized before December 15, or from the presidential decree, will directly affect 20.2 million people who earn the minimum in the country, according to Dane.

“We always address this issue with a practical and social sense, and I say it with this clarity: in the last 40 years, the one that has made the most real increases in the minimum wage has been this government,” Duque said a week ago.