Donatella Versace remembers the beginnings of his brother: "They told him that he was furious clothes"

By : ujikiu / On : 02/03/2023

Donatella Versace is an institution in the fashion world.His more than four decades in the family empire, first next to his brother Gianni and then in front, alone, give for many anecdotes.More taking into account the close relationship that the firm has established since its origins with the celebrities of cinema and music, inside and outside the catwalks.The designer, who is the visible head of one of the most legendary clans of the fashion firmament, which from southern Italy conquered the world starting from scratch, has reviewed her career in a relaxed interview that rapper Fedez has made her,Husband of Chiara Ferragni, and the YouTuber Luis Sal.He has also told some anecdotes of the select and infinite stars club of the Versace Galaxy.

Más informaciónDonatella Versace: “Me daba miedo revivir la muerte de mi hermano”El rapero Fedez, marido de Chiara Ferragni, acusa de censura a la televisión pública italiana

The dressmaker recalled the difficult beginnings in Milan, north of Italy, where the family, originally from Calabria, installed her headquarters at the end of the seventies of the last century.“In those years, those in the north were considered more cultured and sophisticated.But we, the south, had the courage to break barriers.Gianni loved women madly and didn't want to see them gray.I wanted them to express their personality, ”he said.And he added: “At the beginning it cost him because in fashion there was Bon ton [something like sophistication, good ways], a word that for the Versace has never existed, better the bad taste than the bon ton, because at least it makes youSpeaking is freedom ".He also recalled the obstacles with which his brother, the designer Gianni Versace, the man who marked the aesthetics of the nineties and who was killed in 1997, was found in its beginnings: “The first years of Versace in Milan were very difficult.There were the perfect ladies and Gianni was criticized.They told him that he made furcies.I told him not to worry, because the truth is that he made clothes for women who were not afraid of his own femininity ”.

Actually, this description of "clothing for prostitutes" comes from an anterior controversy that already faced Donatella with another large Italian fashion, Giorgio Armani.In an interview in April 2015, Armani rescued an urban legend for which he had told Versace that he made that kind of clothing, but clarified that it had not been so, but "just the opposite," as he told The Sunday Times."I never criticized his style," said Armani then.“We are in the Plaza de España in Rome in the promotion of a fashion event.I was seeing the models parade and he told me: ‘I seen whores.You wear ladies who go to Mass ".However, that point did not sit very well then, six years ago, Donatella Versace, who criticized that Armani talked about his brother without him being able to answer him.The creator said angry that, when her brother talked about fashion, "the only word that came out of her mouth was glamor".

Donatella Versace recuerda los inicios de su hermano: “Le decían que hacía ropa para furcias”

After the tragic disappearance of Gianni, killed in front of his house in Miami Beach in 1997, Donatella, with 43 years, had to take the reins of the empire and prevent him from fading, dodging economic and media bankruptcy.Beyond the muses and the image of the brands, the personal relationship between the firm and the celebrities - a very productive alliance that benefits both parties - is something relatively recent that Donatella has exploited without equal, following the wake that inaugurated itsBrother Gianni.Many of the celebrities who promote their designs, are also their friends.One of them is the American rapper and designer Kanye West, who wanted to design for her and asked her for eight days locked in the factory of the group in Novara to learn how to learn how is the Versace production process."I wanted to learn the art of fashion.It has a superior intelligence and an incredible sense of fashion, ”said Donatella.

The close friendship with the influencer and businesswoman Chiara Ferragni and with her husband Fedez, whom she calls for her name of Pila, Federico, has held part of the conversation of the interview.Between laughs, the two have commented that when they agree at some party with stars like Gigi Hadid or Jennifer Lopez, Donatella always asks them to take a photo "with Federico".

The dressmaker explained that she met Lopez in one of her parades in Paris, before she became famous, when she was a couple of the musician Puff Daddy (in the early 2000s)."Here I leave it," the rapper told Donatella, as she says and asked her to change the look.The designer took her to costumes, hairdressing and makeup and transformed her image."He was already beautiful, but when he left there it was a charm," recalled the designer.

He has also recalled the good relationship that unites her with Lady Gaga, one of her best friends."Breck barriers, makes very intelligent speeches, is very committed to social causes, struggle for civil rights, participates in charity works, does different things and not only in music," he said about it.And she has reported how the American singer surprised her with a private concert for her on her birthday while she was eating in the small Italian restaurant that Gaga's father has in New York.

Donatella has also presumed the private concert that Prince offered her, Lenny Kravitz and Puff Daddy in Minneapolis."Prince didn't talk much.He called me and told me: ‘See you in Minneapolis, you'll see why,” he has recalled.He also explained that the legendary American singer, one of the artists who have inspired her most in her facet as a designer, composed a soundtrack for one of her parades.Donatella asked him to include the name of all the supermodels that paraded for the firm.The title of the song and the phrase that was repeated in the chorus was "Pussy [colloquial word that refers to female genitals] control".“In the Gianni parade he asked me:‘ What does the song say? ’And I replied:‘ Nothing, calm, talks about cats, Pussycat ’,” he said in laughter.

He has also taken advantage of the talk, broadcast on the YouTube channel of the interviewers, to support Fedez in his recent controversy with Italian public television, Rai, which he accused of censorship and trying to avoid that, during a concert, he will criticizeMatteo Salvini's homophobic positions.Donatella has loaded against the politician's party, the ultra -rightist League: "Her speech is wrong, archaic, discriminatory, it cannot exist in our societies".