Did they offer you a job?There is more to negotiate than salary

By : ujikiu / On : 13/01/2023

(CNN Business) - You wrote the perfect curriculum.You overcome the interviews.And they made you a job offer.

Now it's time to negotiate.Although the salary is usually the main negotiation point, it is not the end of the conversation.There are other benefits and benefits that can also be flexible.

Do not say anything about the salary until it is the right time

Recruiters usually request a salary figure in the early stages of the hiring process.

"You don't have to pigeonhole," says Alexandra Dickinson, career coach and negotiation and founder of Ask for It."You should talk about money when they love you, they need you, they have to have you (...) You will find it for you ".

And if a recruiter asks you about your current salary, he advises not to give it."You never have to give it.You do not want them to pay you based on what you did before, you want them to pay you depending on the set of skills that you contribute to the current role in the market in which you are now ".

Some state and local laws prohibit employers from asking candidates for their salary history.


The right time to raise the salary is at the end of the process, after having received an offer.

"You never start negotiating in the middle of an interview," says Victoria Medvec, author of "Negotiate Without Fear" and executive director of the Center for Executive Women of the Kellogg School of Management of the Northwestern University."It is not negotiated before they have said: 'We want to hire you'".

The key is to have a well -studied salary figure, which Dickinson said it should be "high, but without going out of line".

¿Te ofrecieron un empleo? Hay más que negociar que el salario

Websites such as Glassdoor, Payscale and LinkedIn can help have an idea of what people with functions, experience levels and similar markets earn.

Once you have a consensus about what is a reasonable amount, Dickinson advises to reach three different numbers: what you want, what you want and what would make you reject the work.

"Desire is a high and specific figure with which you start; what you want is the real goal, which is a bit lower; and what you do not want is the point where the agreement is no longer good for you;You have to establish it in advance, "he said.

Precise the bonuses

If an annual bonus is part of your remuneration package, be sure to look at the percentage and if it is processed depending on the moment you joined the company, Tessa White suggested, CEO of The Job Doctor.

"Companies have ranges for bonuses and most people don't look at that," White said.

If a company prorates its bonus, it can mean a loss of money.

"A big mistake that people make is not to make sure that their bonus does not proceed that first year to not lose money," White said.

And if the offer does not include a bonus, you can try to negotiate one, but ask for a specific plan.

White says that you have to find out what is considered to exceed expectations in the position for which it is interviewing and then proposing a bonus in the counterofferte that says that if Xyz is done, then a bonus of X will be obtained.

"Companies love when they can give something in return.What they don't like is to negotiate to negotiate, "White said."Understanding what is a gain for them is essential in bond conversation".

Work wherever you want

Working from home can mean more comfortable clothes and attending the morning call for a pleasant walk, but this is not how a flexible schedule is requested.

When you ask to work at a distance permanently or a few days a week, experts advise showing how it will be beneficial for the company.

And to calm any concerns, White recommends suggesting periodic reviews to adjust the agreement as necessary and review the productivity measures.

"Whenever you frame something you are asking like an experiment, you will have much more luck than if they think it is something permanent".

What is in a title?Much

Negotiating a title can be beneficial for you from the economic point of view as your career progresses.

"Every time you can climb on the scale of the titles, the salary increases," White said."So if you get a higher title, even if the company does not pay you anymore, when you compare that title and pass the next job your comparable salary are higher.You have created the illusion of a better paid job ".

Professional development

Training and another type of professional development can also promote your long -term professional objectives, and can be part of your negotiations.

White suggests asking for a fixed amount of money per year for professional development activities, such as classes or conferences.

Do you have an offer?Disseminate the news

If you get an offer when you are still interviewing yourself with other companies, tell them the other employers.

"Your greatest source of power is your sense of alternatives," says Medvec.Suggest that you get in touch with the other hiring responsible and let them know that you have an offer, but that you are really interested in that position and do not want to advance without first consulting them.

"You have to express a high degree of interest and enthusiasm for the position," he says, but we must avoid compromising to accept an offer, if it is done.

"People like to hire someone who another person wants to hire," he said."There is this inferred value when other people want to hire you that you are a good candidate".
