Designer explains how to stand out from social networks

By : ujikiu / On : 15/09/2022

The world of design is creative and dynamic, but it is also incredibly difficult to enter it, which was what Marisa Chentakul, an American designer and invited to the Udesign: echo the Roberto Garza Sada Center of Art, Architecture and Design of the University of Monterrey.

His conference was attendedshared his unique professional experience.

Marisa shared that she studied fashion design at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, California, but almost when graduated she realized that the design she was experiencing was an artistic expression of the author and did not have the consumer in mind, which for her is the most important.This made her make a radical decision and change her focus on user experience or, better known as UX.

“The garments I saw at the university were fabulous and innovative, but I felt dissatisfied with the process and how fashion was more about expressions, without considering users in the design process.So, basically, it was aesthetics above the usefulness of the garment, ”said Marisa.

Diseñadora explica cómo destacar desde las redes sociales

The designer said that she felt a little nervous in her decision to enter the world of technology, but something that gave her security was to make an evaluation of her strengths as a fashion and textile designer and those she would need as a product designer, andIt realized that it had skills that could be transferable such as research, visual design and competitive analysis.

So to be noticed in the world of product design, I had to appeal to people who would possibly be their supervisors and co -workers.

“This does not have to apply only fashion, it can be applied in any other profession.If you are applying to practices or a job, investigate your target market and experience with things that differentiate yourself from the other candidates, ”he advised.

She worked to make a post on Twitter so that more designers noticed it, but other people, depending on her profession or lifestyle, other digital platforms such as Instagram or Tiktok, could be more useful.The important thing, he stressed, is to do networking.

Marisa finished her talk with the UDEM community encompassed that it could be differentiated from other designers because she defined her passion, found the platforms and processes that helped her notice, created content and products and shared them.