Heart Eduardo Navarrete: "I love going out for drinks with Terelu Campos"

By : ujikiu / On : 11/02/2022

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The Madrid night has returned. For a couple of weeks the capital has resumed its course and has once again hosted important events that cover all kinds of sectors. This was demonstrated this Wednesday, September 22, when several meetings were held that brought together the press and well-known personalities of our country. One of them was the inauguration of the 15-second pop-up store, the brand center created by Eduardo Navarrete (27 years old), fashion designer, former contestant on Masters of Sewing and current participant on MasterChef Celebrity.

The man from Alicante opened a space at the ME Meliá Hotel, available until October 3, which brings together fashion, products, art and culture in a pop-up store that this newspaper has visited. Hours before the inauguration, JALEOS had a conversation with Eduardo Navarrete, who, in addition to telling the details of this latest project, revealed how he went through Masters of Sewing and his experience on MasterChef Celebrity.

Eduardo Navarrete during the opening of the 'pop up store'. Marine Cucumber

How is it going? Excited? Nervous?

Good. Nervous No. I'm much more nervous when I do shows. You can say I'm normal. I'm not hysterical.

What can people find in this pop up store?

15 seconds is a central of brands and creators that we have set up to help firms to have visibility and to be able to sell more. We help them in all areas that a brand entails. We have fashion, product, art and book. We have a bit of everything. In general, from people who like what they do and who, like me, have started from scratch.

How did the idea come about?

This idea occurred to me during the pandemic because I had a store with my partner and we thought of moving to another store to carry more brands. They have always helped me a lot and luckily, now things are going well for me, I said 'why don't we set up a center to be able to help people who have talent give them visibility, just as it was given to me in their day'. It has a very strong ONG point (laughs). But do you know what happens? That fashion is very bad and when you are a young person who is starting it is very complicated. We concentrate all the services that a brand needs in the same space.

You say that fashion is very bad and, furthermore, it is a very competitive sector. But in a short time he has managed to succeed and gain a foothold in the industry. How has this road been?

It has been quite difficult. The pandemic was a very bad time, but it went very well for me. We knew how to adapt and reinvent ourselves. I was the first designer to make masks. Thanks to this I had greater visibility, we were able to go through a very difficult time and people turned to buy me many things. We brought out the bathroom collection and I was the first designer in Spain to make an online presentation. In times of adversity is when you think the most and when you get the most ideas. I broke down to think and it went very well. That has made it possible for us to be here now, setting up this new project. But before the coronavirus, I assure you that I was hitting rock bottom.


I had just presented the latest collection, we sold just enough, I had my own store, a lot of expenses... It was getting very complicated for me and when the pandemic arrived I said 'I'm going to sink'. But what happened happened. About the masks and the bathroom collection. Now we are in the best moment in which we can be. We have presented the Chinese Theater collection, which has been a success, I am at MasterChef Celebirty, where all my colleagues wear my clothes, and we are preparing a new collection for November.

Can you advance some details of that next collection?

I can only say that there are going to be many faces from my edition of MasterChef Celebrity.

Eduardo Navarrete and Verónica Forqué at the opening of the 15 seconds 'pop up store'. Marine Cucumber

He has dressed characters like Bibiana Fernández, La Terremoto de Alcorcón, Lorena Castell, his MasterChef colleagues... What other celebrity would you like to wear his designs?

I come from a very small town and I never thought I would dress the people I have dressed. I consider myself so lucky to have dressed Bibiana (67), La Terremoto (44), Nieves Álvarez (47)... Now on the show Victoria Abril (62), Verónica Forqué (65), David Bustamante (39)... Who is left for me to dress? Well I do not know. Anyone who wants to is welcome, but I'm not looking forward to dressing Beyoncé (40), Lady Gaga (35) or the Queen.

Not Letizia?

Yes, I would dress the Queen. Would be pleased. If she wants to come to the store and try on, I'm happy. But it is not that I am excited to dress Letizia (49).

How did 'Maestros de la Costura' help you in the fashion industry?

When I just finished my degree I entered the program and it was like a showcase to the whole world because TVE is an international channel. The clothes I made were seen everywhere and I sold them very well. The aid as such was visibility. But the rest, everything was my work and my sacrifice.

What memories do you have of 'Masters of Sewing'?

I have very good memories, but it saddens me a little that now it is not clear that they are going to renew the edition, because just as MasterChef has given so much visibility to Spanish gastronomy and chefs, Masters of Sewing did it with fashion. As a result of the format, many young people have begun to sew in a self-taught way, some have discovered a passion, others have made it their job... Now, that they are thinking about it so much, it makes me very sad.

Do you still have a relationship with your colleagues?

None. We are not related.

The contestants of 'MasterChef Celebrity'. RTVE

Now he repeats in another reality show that has nothing to do with fashion. How has your experience been in MasterChef Celebrity?

I get along wonderfully well with my peers. I love going out with Terelu (56), I get along great with Arkano (27), this summer I was with Belén López (51), I have been several times with David Bustamante and Miki Nadal (53). From my step, you'll see. It's been a lot of fun, we've laughed a lot, you're going to laugh a lot watching it. Little more I can tell.

How did you get to MasterChef Celebrity? Do you like to cook?

My parents have had a restaurant for 40 years. I have grown up in the kitchen. But I always liked being at the bar and serving tables better. I have always been a waiter.

Your family will have been very excited about your participation.

Yes, very much, they were delighted. My grandmother goes around the town proudly because everyone stops her. Besides, we consider that I am doing very well. It's been so much fun.

Now that you've been there, would you dare to study cooking?

Neither dead nor alive.

Don't you cook at home?

I didn't cook, I don't cook and I hope I don't cook. I work a lot and making myself a Tupperware is the most boring thing in the world. Breakfast out, eat out and dinner out.

It has had multiple facets. Designer, aspiring chef, real estate contestant... How do you define yourself?

I define myself as a vedette, because in France, a vedette is an artist who knows how to do everything. Right now I have a company in which I do practically everything, although luckily I have a wonderful team, I have just set up a brand headquarters to help give visibility to other firms, I am going to set up a bar next month and I see myself assembling many more things. That is why I consider myself a vedette, a multidisciplinary artist.

[More information: Who is Eduardo Navarrete, the designer who competes in 'MasterChef Celebrity')

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