Chilling testimony of one of the victims of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell: rape, beatings and psychological torture

By : ujikiu / On : 01/10/2022

Trembling with terror, the young woman crawled down the beach toward the ocean. Over three days she had been repeatedly raped by billionaire Jeffrey Epstein on Paedo Island, his private haven in the Caribbean. Thousands of miles from her home in Britain, Sarah Ransome had suffered abuse and starvation, and was a prisoner. But she was willing to risk everything to escape.

“I knew there were sharks in the water, but I had to get away,”, she recounts in an interview with the Daily Mail. But at the time, the beasts were a welcome alternative to the hell for which had passed. “At that moment, death was preferable to one more rape,” she says.

As he was about to plunge into the blue waters, a quad bike interrupted his plan. On board was one of the last people Ransome wanted to see: Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's close companion. "He put his hand on my back and said, 'It's okay, honey. Come with me'. And I returned with her to the monster's lair," he revealed in his first public testimony of the ordeal he suffered.

The chilling testimony of Ransome, now 37, comes after the US Attorney's Office finished presenting its case in the sex trafficking trial against Ghislaine Maxwell. The prosecutor sought to show Maxwell, Epstein's former partner and friend, as his accomplice in the recruitment of minors for sexual satisfaction of the tycoon, who committed suicide two years ago while awaiting trial in jail for the same events.

According to the Daily Mail, his story is unusual. Most of the girls Epstein took advantage of came from poor backgrounds. She, on the other hand, comes from a well-educated background. He was born into an aristocratic Scottish family: his maternal grandfather was Lord Gordon Macpherson, 2nd Baron Drumochter.

In 2006, when she was 22, she decided to break with everything and move to New York. “She was young and naive. Did not know anybody. I had no idea what a nest of vipers I was walking into,” he says.

Two weeks after landing in the city, he was at a Manhattan nightclub called Quo when he was approached by a beautiful young woman named Natalya. “She was my age and was very excited to find a friend,” Ransome says. "He asked me about my family and what I was doing in New York."

Chilling testimony of one of the victims of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell: rape, beatings and psychological torture

“I told her everything, how I was alone, my dreams of studying fashion. She asked me for my number and I gave it to her. It seemed the most natural thing in the world to me."

A few days later, Natalya called to say, “I know a great guy who is incredibly rich. He is a philanthropist and helps many girls to fulfill his dreams. He wants to meet you.”

That same week, she found herself sitting next to Epstein in a movie theater. There were ten girls with him, all young and pretty, she says. “Looking back, I realize that I was chosen for my vulnerability. I was alone in the big city. He had already admitted that he was a lost soul. Jeffrey was charismatic, charming. He seemed really interested in me."

“In my naïveté, I was grateful that I landed on my feet when meeting these new friends. I had no idea they were preparing me to go into hell,” she adds.

The following week, Sarah received a call from Natalya.

He told her that a group of girls were going to spend a weekend on Jeffrey's private island in the Caribbean and invited her. “The private plane left the next day and I didn't have to take anything because everything I needed was on the island. What 22 year old would have said no? I thought I had won the lottery," he recalls.

Flew to the island in Epstein's private 727 jet, now nicknamed “the Lolita Express”.

He reveals that he felt the first alarm signal on the flight. She was surprised when Epstein asked one of the girls for a foot massage for her. She reveals that during the flight she fell asleep and woke up with loud moans coming from a bed in the back of the plane. “Epstein was having sex with one of the girls. They did not try to hide. I was horrified, I had never seen anything like it."

When he arrived on the island, his passport and mobile phone were taken from him.

The next day, her friend from the nightclub came over and said, “Jeffrey wants to see you.”

She was led to Epstein's bedroom in the main house, where he answered the door wearing only a white robe. “That was the night he first raped me. He told me to take off my dress and lie down on the massage table. He told me: Tonight I'm going to teach you to be a woman. I was yelling for him to stop,” remembers, still in shock.

Ransome was sexually abused every day on the island, two or three times a day.

The promise of a place at a prestigious fashion school, combined with Epstein's death threats against her and her family, sent her into an emotional spiral that, she says, allowed her to get caught up in a web of abuse. .

“Jeffrey told me he would kill me and my family if I told anyone. I became a person financially dependent on him. I kept thinking it would help me go to fashion school,” she says.

She also says that she met Maxwell on the island. "Jeffrey told me that she had to do everything she said." And shoots: “He was the monster but she eased the spider web around him.”

She denounces that she was the one who exercised psychological torture: “She could be mean at one moment and kind the next.”

Girls who "satisfied" Epstein's depraved whims received designer handbags, $700 sessions at the salon... In her case, Maxwell and Epstein promised she would be paid by the prestigious Fashion Institute of Technology in New York .

“Ghislaine was a woman who oscillated between the crazy boss and the mother figure,” she says, “She could be kind, smiley, charming, what I called 'Ghislaine the kind.' That was the side of her that celebrities saw of her. But she could also be angry, cruel.

After a series of particularly brutal assaults by Epstein, Sarah fled to England: “It was May 2007. I just ran away. She was devastated”. She called her mother, who bought her a plane ticket back to Heathrow. Sarah lived in fear, moving 47 times in the years that followed.

“I hope Maxwell is found guilty. She allowed Jeffrey to do what he did. She is evil, a narcissist who thinks that she has done nothing wrong. To her, we were nothing. I hope justice is done," he said.


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