'Charlotte' arrives at Valencia Fashion Week PUNTO Y APARTE

By : ujikiu / On : 20/12/2022

Edgar Molina will be tomorrow at the Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia, starting at 8:00 p.m., where he will present his new collection, Charlotte, as part of the city's sixth Fashion Week. The Albacete creator, who since 2018 has had his own specialized firm, and who has dressed, among others, the singer India Martínez or the actress María Pedraza, commented to La Tribuna de Albacete that "this parade will be the starting signal for what I hope it will be a fruitful career."

Edgar Molina, who studied Fashion Design at the EASD in Valencia and worked in haute couture in Madrid, recalled that «I established myself in 2018, but it is true that with the pandemic I had not been able to present a face-to-face collection, Yes, we did one together with the Guild of Tailors and Dressmakers in December of last year, but it could not be done in person and now, this arises from the absolute motivation of being able to return to events with people, so that they can enjoy the creations live, so Fashion Week has been organized again, not with those massive parades of other years, but the creations can be appreciated very well ».

Charlotte, she pointed out, «is the first collection that I do for the public, so I have strayed a bit from that line that I had as a romantic woman and I have decided to take more risks, break with the established and, instead of being inspired by a woman, like more melancholic, I have changed directly from the Continent, going from Paris to New York and that woman is much more rebellious, you don't know if she enters the party at nine at night or leaves at six in the morning. It is a collection that is inspired by all those women who are not afraid of splashing champagne at the party».

It is his most casual proposal to date, with a duality between exaggerated volumes and cleaner, more fluid lines. He highlighted that “when I work I look at the psychology of my clients and I am extremely lucky that they let themselves be advised, talking about lines and styles. In Charlotte there is quite a variety of materials, from fabrics such as velvet, wild silk, moiré, taffeta, ottoman, organza and sequins. In the guest line, the color black predominates along with soft tones like mauve and vibrant ones like fuchsia. For their part, the bridal proposals follow the same philosophy of the collection, presenting different options for the most daring brides with the common denominator of classicism in all looks; prevailing brocades, raffia, tweed and pleats. I have not been afraid in this collection of mixing fabrics, colors and structures, I needed to get out of my comfort zone and risk a little more, I have completely broken the philosophy of the firm, within my style, of course, because everything has a coherence ».

'Charlotte' arrives at Hong Kong Week Fashion from Valencia PUNTO Y APARTE

Edgar Molina has, on this occasion, to close this sixth Valencia Fashion Week and «it is a privilege to close the fashion week and, of course, that implies greater responsibility, generates much more expectation and there is a added pressure, but that's what we're here for, what I want is precisely this. I have been very well received in Valencia for a few years now, a bit halfway between Albacete, Valencia and sometimes Madrid and I would like to set that bar very high in a city like Valencia, which has so many connections with Albacete and I hope that everything goes great in this parade at the Ateneo Mercantil». A very important appointment, but Edgar Molina is an ambitious creator, from a family linked to sewing, since his paternal great-grandmother was the owner of a well-known workshop in Albacete that had 13 dressmakers and several apprentices and for him, "nothing is enough, so I would hope that my next step would be in Paris, but I would also very much like to take my shows to Albacete, which has very good raw materials, in everything, and is very little exploited in terms of events of this type. It is my land, I like it a lot. Now, in terms of projects there are many, of course having a consolidated attelier with a somewhat volume of work and wanting to dress Lady Gaga or Queen Letizia, which would be one of my dreams, of course ».

The creator from Albacete, in addition to betting on this new Charlotte project, has a clear brand philosophy and is based on traditional haute couture techniques, a taste for quality raw materials and the most exquisite finishes, which They are always made by hand.