Catracha ladies who inspire with their example - Diario La Prensa

By : ujikiu / On : 03/12/2022

San Pedro Sula. Women, throughout the history of humanity, have traced important and key milestones for the conquest of their rights, which have allowed them to enter the labor, social and political world of society current.

It is in this way that dozens of Honduran women have come to occupy key spaces that in the past were occupied by men and that today stand out due to the impetus with which they develop and carry out this work in strategic positions business, politics and different branches of science. Today January 25 is celebrated the Honduran Women's Day , the perfect date to exalt the example of three women who inspire with their life trajectory and their projects. They are: Liliana Sacaza, Liliana Barahona and Tesla Callejas.

Liliana Barahona has a master's degree in Corporate Social Responsibility from the University of Barcelona, ​​Spain. She has a great career, among which her 16 years as a professor of Communication and Journalism careers at the University of San Pedro Sula and the Autonomous University of Valle de Sula, respectively, where she trained communicators in various subjects. from the northern part of the country. She was also editor of La Prensa newspaper.

He has currently worked for Cargill for 24 years where he coordinates Corporate Responsibility actions in Honduras and Guatemala and supports Cargill's businesses also in Mexico and Peru; She also participates in teams and projects with the Corporate Responsibility function from the Cargill headquarters in the United States.

During these years, Liliana has supported the co-creation and establishment of alliances and internal projects and with numerous communities that Cargill maintains, among others: the NGO Volunteer Committee Cargill Honduras , first established by private sector employees; the Promise project, in partnership with Heifer International, and Nutriendo el Futuro, in partnership with CARE, through which Cargill has supported thousands of schoolchildren, small producers, producers, and entrepreneurs for more than 14 years, improving their food security and empowerment with a focus on women that improves the quality of life in multiple regions of the country.

Liliana is a member of the board of directors of the Food Bank of Honduras and supports other local NGOs in their plans and projects to grow in serving more and more vulnerable compatriots. She is convinced that having clear personal values ​​and principles that are also aligned with those of the company or institution for which she works or with what she does, everything flows, improves and gives excellent results.

Catracha ladies who inspire by their example - Diario La Prensa

“Honduran women who fight every day to achieve their dreams, believe in their abilities and talents, we were born with them and they are there. Let's fight against our fears, let's make an effort and not get tired of learning every day to be prepared to take or create our opportunities and fulfillment.

The fit model and owner of her own line of swimwear made in Italy, Liliana Sacaza, reported that her life took a three hundred and sixty degree turn when she had to move to Europe to develop as a professional. person and thus exploit their talent in fashion.

Her work and constant dedication have made the outstanding young woman today a fit model in Milan, Italy, and also has her own line of swimsuits made in that same city and sold throughout everyone. The young woman left an emotional message to the women: "every decision you make in your life I hope makes you happy, live life, hang out with people who make you grow and inspire you to be better."

For Tesla Callejas, Communications and Marketing Director of the Honduran Association of Maquiladoras, facing the world of work focused on putting respect and ethical values ​​first, moral and spiritual in any situation, since for her they are not negotiable.

Callejas worked at LA PRENSA, an opportunity that opened doors for him to venture into the area of ​​public relations, advertising, and marketing and to offer consultancies to various organizations.

Currently and for 15 years she has been Communications and Marketing Director of the Honduran Association of Maquiladoras, where she has had the opportunity to develop communication strategies and initiatives to position the maquiladora textile sector , accompanied by a multifaceted team of professionals in various areas that make up the space that she rightly leads.

For 25 years she has been a consultant to national and foreign companies in matters of Personal and Corporate Image, Public Relations, Master of Ceremonies, Customer Service, and public speaking. Today she offers these services through her Protocol and Talent agency, at specific times.

Callejas said that her greatest motivation as a woman has been to be the mother of three children: Julissa, Cindy and Heber Isaac, who are “the priceless treasure ”.

“Today I take a retrospective look at my life and I can say thank God that I studied Journalism, in which there are a diversity of areas in which I can venture independently and feel fulfilled and grateful for doing what I want to do. like to do," he said.


1. Tesla Callejas believes that today more than ever humanity needs the contribution and knowledge of women.

2. Liliana Sacaza stated that she is very happy to see that a woman has managed to be president in Honduras, since it is an inspiring message for girls.

3. Liliana Barahona assures that involving, providing support and opportunities for women will make it possible to close the inequality gap.

Visionaries and workers

“It is never too late to achieve what one sets out to do in life, always remember that a life without dreams is not life”

Name: Liliana Sacaza

Origin: Sampedrana resident in Milan, Italy

Follow her: Instagram and Facebook: @Moncheriebikinis @Moncherie by liliana sacaza swimwear.

This young model's personal philosophy is to always work and be consistent in life, as she believes that consistency and persistence often outweigh talent.

Name: Liliana Barahona

“Life has taught me to be grateful, to have empathy, to not only take a deep breath in the face of problems, but also to act”

Origin: Sampedrana

Marital status: Married to Julio César Hernández

Liliana says that many experiences have made her grow as a woman and as a professional; the birth of her only child was one of them, as she struggled for several years with infertility treatments.

Name: Tesla Callejas

“Women should prepare themselves in all areas of knowledge, because God created us with divine purposes”

Origin: Sampedrana

Marital status: Married to Dr. Heber Flores

Tesla, together with her husband Heber Flores, has also worked for several years providing family counseling from a Christian perspective. The above through virtual spaces and on a Christian radio with the Program "We are on Time".