Castilla la Mancha Toledo will celebrate Carnival 2022 without festivals at the moment

By : ujikiu / On : 21/04/2022

The Toledo Carnival 2022, which will be held from February 25 to 27, for the moment will not have festivals due to the state of the pandemic, but it will have the traditional parade of comparsas enlivened by the music of the Kekumka batucada and a show by chirigotas of Cadiz.

This has been pointed out by the Councilor for Celebrations of the Toledo Consistory, Maite Puig, at a press conference, this Tuesday, in which she has assured that, despite the fact that the City Council has decided that there will be no festivals, there is still time to the celebration and this decision "can change".

"The parade will take the same route as last year", highlighted the Councilor for Celebrations, who has specified that it will pass through the avenues of Barber, Reconquista, Carlos III and will end at the intersection of Nicaragua Street with America Avenue , where the aforementioned chirigotas performance will take place.

Puig has highlighted that registration for this parade can be carried out from this Wednesday, January 26, until February 9, with the "only condition" that the troupes must be made up of a minimum of 15 components. Interested parties may download the application on the Toledo City Council website and complete the registration through the electronic office.

This edition of the Toledo Carnival parade will have an amount of 30,000 euros for different categories, so that groups made up of more than 30 people will be able to access a first prize of 3,000 euros, a second of 2,500, a third of 1,500 and a fourth prize of 1,000 euros.

Castilla la mancha Toledo celebrará el Carnaval 2022 sin verbenas de momento

For their part, the troupes of between 15 and 30 people who appear in this parade will compete for a first prize of 1,500 euros, a second prize of 1,100, the third prize will be 700 euros and the fourth of 500.

Some special mentions will also be awarded in this contest, such as the best comparsas of educational centers in Toledo, which will have a prize of 500 euros; the special mention of a local group of more than 30 components, with a prize of 800 euros, and that of a local group of between 15 and 30 participants, with a prize of 400 euros.

Alfonso X Special Mention

This year, on the occasion of the celebration of the VIII Centenary of the birth of Alfonso X 'El Sabio', the Carnival will have a special mention for those troupes with this theme and will have a prize of 500 euros.

The jury that will determine who wins these awards will be made up of a councilor from each political group, a fashion designer, a representative of the neighborhood associations, the coordinator of the VIII Centenary of the birth of Alfonso X, a representative of the media of the city and Maite Puig herself.

The Councilor for Celebrations has indicated that the work of this court will be to assess the costumes, the originality and creativity of the design, the color and the richness of the details and the work required in the making of costumes and in the creation of the comparsa in general .

In the same way, he has advanced that this group of judges will not be in a prominent place in the parade, but that they can be found in any section of it since, as Puig has considered, "it is the best thing to not delay the order of the comparsas ".

Burial of the Sardine

As for the burial of the sardine, which will take place on Sunday, February 27, starting at 6:30 p.m., it will feature the traditional tour animated by the Majaras Assembly charanga and the Kekumka batucada.

"What we will not do will be the pasta that was given at the beginning of the sardine route or the sardines on the pier," Puig lamented, highlighting that the fireworks will take place on the pier.

"We are trying to recover that normality but being prudent and aware at all times," she mentioned. "We know that the neighbors want to have a good time, but we have to study at all times what are those things that we consider that, according to the data from the pandemic, we can celebrate," she concluded.

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