Carolina Galvis: "Eco fashion is increasingly appreciated"

By : ujikiu / On : 19/03/2022

What has it meant to win the Mallorca Design Day Balearic award?– Many may have seen that it is a cash prize and that it always comes in handy for anyone. For me, beyond economics, the prize has brought with it a box full of positivism, self-confidence, self-improvement, and knowing that sooner or later every effort has its reward.

What are you going to invest or spend the prize money on? – Now that I have started a new life in another country, where the language is not the same, to learn faster I must invest in the language, I will use part of the prize to continue with my German classes; I would also like to invest a little of it in buying material to be able to continue designing and creating unique pieces that are part of what I would like to one day be my personal brand.

Have you needed to borrow money to make the collection or finish a garment? – Yes, the last year of my degree I had to ask for a small family loan because, like many in the country that has been affected by the pandemic, I went from working to enter an ERTE and be part of the large group waiting for SEPE payments.

How did your proposal come about?– It began as a final year project, with which everything related to inspiration, the search for fabrics, colors, shapes, textures and others, began perhaps in February, and from then on I carried out a small sample of what he wanted the characteristic embroidery of the collection to be. I stepped out of my comfort zone with bold shades like yellow, orange and fuchsia, and my first look out of the five I did was a maxi skirt and puff sleeved top. After being chosen among the finalists of the contest I had to get down to work again and make three extra looks for the grand final, this time from Germany. As for prices, at the beginning I wrote down everything and as time went by I realized that if I continued to write down the expenses, I would get a downer, because it is not cheap to create a collection. However, it was very helpful to use wool, fabrics, recycled threads that were given to me by teachers and friends.

Is dressing with sustainable fashion designs expensive? – Behind sustainable fashion there is a lot of work, it is not simply sending a hundred pieces of a garment to be sewn in underdeveloped countries where labor is unfortunately cheap and poorly paid. Creating sustainable fashion requires a lot of research when choosing the materials that are going to be used to make a garment or accessory, choosing the right suppliers and those who work with and carry out those materials, following certain values ​​and principles. Therefore, yes, dressing with sustainable fashion designs has a high price for all the process that it entails and that is behind each piece. However, it is a value that today society appreciates more and knows that the quality of garments is excellent, garments that do not go out of style, that last over time, but, above all, it is against what is known as fast fashion, which does so much damage to the environment.

Carolina Galvis: «Cada vez se aprecia más la moda eco»

Do you only make fashion for women?– I find pattern making for men a bit complex, even so I have an open mind and I am willing to learn to create something for them in the future.

What time of the day or night do you like to create the most?– I am a morning person who plans my day to day a week in advance. I enjoy sewing in the mornings and afternoons because there is no better light than natural light.

In Germany, do you work or study?– I am in Dresden to live with my boyfriend, whom I met in Mallorca. He has finished his journalism degree and works at a local newspaper. At the moment I am learning to perfect my German and in a few weeks I will start working in the prêt à porter firm of the German designer Dorothee Schumacher, occupying the position of sales associate (sales associate).

What is the clothing line you plan to create in the future? – I bet on a classic, clean, minimalist and quality line. That it serves for several years and can be combined with other garments.

What celebrity would you like to dress?– The television series Gossip Girl awakened my love for fashion and clothing a little more when I saw how the protagonists dressed in an impeccable way. My fascination is in the exquisite taste of the actress Blake Lively, who in addition to being a model is a businesswoman and fashion designer. I like empowered, feminine, sexy and always elegant women.