How to enter university without taking the selectivity exam

By : ujikiu / On : 20/02/2022


Tests for people over 25 or access from Training Cycles are some of the most common options

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Sometimes it seems that there is only one way to get to university: finishing high school studies and passing the evaluation of the selectivity exam. But, in reality, there are several options for those who prefer to take an alternative route. As Antonio Machado said, “walker, there is no path, the path is made by walking” and, in this case, the path can be made by walking in up to seven different directions.

For those who have passed a Higher Degree of Professional Training

Students who have completed a Higher Level Training Cycle (CFGS) and have the title of Higher Vocational Training Technician, Higher Sports Technician, Higher Plastic Arts and Design Technician or equivalent, can access the university by presenting the degree and the grade CFGS mean.

Pre-registration is carried out in two annual periods that usually coincide with the calls for selectivity tests. The first, of an ordinary nature, is during the month of June, and the second, of an extraordinary nature, is in July or September. It is important to bear in mind that, at the time of applying for a place, students from training cycles related to the degree they want to study will have priority over the others.

For those who have already turned 25

Those over 25 years of age who have not passed the selectivity, nor have a Higher Technician degree or a university degree, can access the career they want to take through the test for people over 25. The registration period is usually during February and March ( the date varies according to the autonomous community).

The test consists of two parts. The general phase consists of a text comment or development of a current issue, a Spanish test and a foreign language test (to choose between English, French, German, Italian or Portuguese). If the university you want to access is located in an autonomous community with another co-official language, you may require a fourth year of that language.

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Each university has its own criteria to assess and accept applicants, but the most common is to evaluate candidates based on the information presented about their experience and through a personal interview. The tests are usually convened once a year, on dates determined by the corresponding faculties.

For those over 45 years old

Those over 45 years of age who have not had any accredited professional or work experience or have an academic degree, can access the university through the test for people over 45, which is held annually.

The first phase of the exam is the same as the corresponding one in the test for people over 25 years of age and, in the same way, consists of a text commentary and two language tests. Instead, the second phase is a personal interview in which the maturity and knowledge of the candidates to pursue the chosen degree is evaluated.

For foreigners with studies equivalent to Baccalaureate

Foreign students can enter Spanish universities as long as they have an approved degree or corresponding to Baccalaureate. Access conditions will vary depending on the country of origin.

Students from member states of the European Union or with international agreements can participate in the admission processes through the University Access Qualification (CAU) obtained through UNEDasiss. To improve the entrance mark, they will have to take the specific competence tests (PCE).

For those who have already completed a university degree

All graduates who have an official university degree can apply to enter another career without taking any tests, presenting the average grade of the previous career. As places are limited (only between 1% and 3% are reserved for this route), the accepted students will be those with the highest average.

To know the places and the details about this process, they should contact the education departments of each autonomous community or the university where they want to study.

For those who choose a private university

Finally, another option to enter the university without doing the selectivity is choosing to study at a private university. Many of these universities have their own degrees and, therefore, the admission requirements are different from those of public universities.

Normally, the interested student must present the Baccalaureate degree and pass the entrance exam of the faculty itself. The cost of these universities is usually higher than the others, but there are many options for excellence scholarships to financially reward students with higher grades.

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