Barreira Art + Design, official degrees and master's degrees in design, cinema and audiovisual

By : ujikiu / On : 12/03/2022

Creative professions have become essential. This is demonstrated by the increasing demand for professionals from the different branches of design or the growing opportunities for audiovisual and film professionals due to the global rise of the large content platforms, with millions and millions of users around the world —a world, moreover, more connected than ever—, and in formats such as all those related to hearing, from podcasts to audiobooks.

The Official Center for Higher Studies Barreira Art + Design, with more than 60 years behind it training in artistic education, knows how to take the pulse of the present and the near future of the labor market and, for this reason, has been adapting for decades to offer the best education possible to their students.

An education that is defined by excellence, by the professionalization of the student thanks to direct contact with the best companies in each sector, by the international perspective and by a teaching team that is always at the forefront in the knowledge they impart, as well as in the methodologies. that they employ.

Didactics and creative avant-garde

Barreira A+D's training offer includes official degrees in graphic design, fashion design, interior design, animation and video games. Thus, its official qualifications allow students to obtain the necessary training to become a professional capable of carrying out their work at the highest level.

Graphic design

Fashion design

Interior design

Animation and video games

Video game

Barreira Arte + Diseño, titulaciones oficiales y másteres en diseño, cine y audiovisual

No Place for Robots, a game by students Pablo López, Héctor Cano and Joel Espí.ED

Barreira A+D professional master's degrees

The official Barreira A+D degrees also include professional master's degrees. With a strong international component, they have been developed with companies such as Ikea, Porcelanosa or El Corte Inglés, as well as with institutions such as the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, and are taught by active professionals from companies such as Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, IBM, Sky , Movistar+ or Atresmedia.

These ambitious programs include international training experiences in those places where the best ideas are born, such as New York, Los Angeles, Silicon Valley, Milan, Copenhagen, Paris, Bologna or Rome with the aim of putting the student in contact with reality more leader in the sector, so that it can be trained to rise to the great challenges of the decade.

Oddity, short film by Barreira A+D.ED Animation students

Barreira A+D's master's degree offer includes the following programmes:

With regard to the specialized courses of Barreira A+D, these aim to offer complementary high-quality training, designed based on the needs and demands of the labor market and scheduled according to the availability of different personal and work situations.

This offer of courses includes, for example, the International Course in Sustainable Fashion Design, an online course with international teachers that includes a face-to-face training experience at Polimoda Florence and at the best sustainable fashion companies in the Tuscan capital.

Visionaries, catwalk Barreira A+D 2020.ED

Another example is the Branded Content Bootcamp, which offers the necessary knowledge to develop brand storytelling and translate it into a strategic and creative content proposal, as well as to seek the best insights to create powerful brand stories that allow generating content strategies for be read, seen and heard.

The highly demanded Specialist Course in Graphic Design, with different levels and modules, through which you learn to master programs such as Adobe Photoshop, inDesign or Illustrator and the Introduction to Interior Design Online Course to obtain the professional tools necessary to plan the interior design of a home completes the wide range of training at Barreira Arte+Design under the premise of connecting València and its students with the world.