BA Moda training scholarships: add tools for the professionalization of your design project

By : ujikiu / On : 06/04/2023

BA Moda and the Faculty of Design and Communication of the University of Palermo come together to provide training scholarships aimed at professionalizing design projects in any of their disciplines. The call is open to career design students of a minimum of two years in duration who are in their last year or have seventy-five percent (75%) of the subjects approved or received in the 2020 school year. In turn, graduate designers can apply for careers of at least two years in duration from universities or private or state, national or provincial teaching institutes, who have a design project under development.

The initiative aims to promote training and accompaniment on the path to professionalization of design students and recent graduates. 10 scholarships will be awarded to provide the necessary tools to improve their chances of entering the market, developing and/or empowering themselves.

BA Fashion Training Scholarships: Add tools for the professionalization of your design project

Those selected will enter the course "Creative Entrepreneurship Incubator", taught by the Faculty of Design and Communication of the University of Palermo. It consists of a series of meetings that will address issues such as validation of the idea/project, relationship with the value chain (suppliers, distributors, visibility, dissemination), competitiveness, marketing (pricing policy, sales, distribution, e- commerce), communication, economic model and financial model, among others.

To participate, you must submit a brief review of your design project, explaining why you find it useful to take the course offered. There is time to register until March 8 at 6:00 p.m., sending the documentation required in the bases and conditions to the email, where you can also make inquiries.

Download the terms and conditions and complete the registration form