AuronPlay confirms that TortillaLand will cost $4,000 a month

By : ujikiu / On : 24/04/2022

Lo + Gaming

The Minecraft roleplay server has been devised by Perxitaa and AuronPlay


TortillaLand has somewhat revolutionized the landscape of streamers on Twitch, after a most unexpected presentation last Monday, June 14. The end of Marbella Vice has allowed the complete redirection of the audience's attention, which now eagerly awaits all possible news from the new Minecraft roleplay server. AuronPlay and Perxitaa take advantage of their public interventions to continue providing details of the project.

AuronPlay begins all its streamings by dedicating several tens of minutes to its followers, through an entertaining Just Chatting that serves as a waiting time while the bulk of its audience arrives. Thursday, June 17 was no exception, and with TortillaLand's official announcement date so close, many questions were tied to the Minecraft project.

How much does it cost to maintain TortillaLand? AuronPlay responds naturally

A follower specifically asked him how much it costs to maintain a server like TortillaLand's, a question that deserved a 100-second response from the streamer. "Well, I think it's a very good question," replied a calm AuronPlay before getting into the matter.

AuronPlay confirma que TortillaLand costará 4.000 dólares al mes

In the first bars of the response, AuronPlay began rambling about everything that surrounds a series like TortillaLand: "It's no longer what the server is worth, it's paying programmers... I think TortillaLand can go to... $4,000 a month. Yes, I think TortillaLand can easily go to $4,000 a month. Yes, quietly. Yes."

The reasons for the high cost of TortillaLand

But the Catalan streamer did not stop there, but wanted to detail the reasons for the high figure: "Taking into account the designers, the programmer, the maintenance of the server... Yes, I think you can go to about 4 thousand dollars a month". In addition, AuronPlay wanted to put the cost in context with other series: "INFAMES cost less. In general, GTA usually costs less, but Minecraft has a lot of work behind it."

AuronPlay also wanted to send a message of optimism regarding the maintenance price, praising those who will actively work on TortillaLand, the Minecraft roleplay server: "But, hey, if it costs four thousand dollars and I have the best, it works for me. Apart from the fact that I don't pay for it alone, there is also Perxitaa. We split expenses and that's it."

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