Return to the world through the origin of six iconic garments

By : ujikiu / On : 23/07/2022

This is a trip through some of the garments that are still alive in many of the cabinets around the world that, despite the changing trends in the sector, appear in the fashion market year yes, and year too.

There is an intelligent phrase that is used in marketing and says: "If something works, don't touch it".And this theory is clearly evidence.


In the first stop we find the feathers classic, the anorak or kangaroo according to the form of the same.If we look at the photograph above, at first glance the resemblance of the garments can be seen, however, the reality is that between one image and another there are a thousand years apart. La primera foto pertenece al Royal Albert Memorial Museum &Art Gallery (RAMM), y la segunda a la conocida marca actual Columbia.

The similarities are design and intention, not manufacturing and materials, since they have changed over the years.Plumiferous anoraks are current garments, of modern society.We can find them on the market available for all pockets.

But it was the Espoit's Eskimo tribe the first who investigated a similar garment.A shelter clothes that served them to protect themselves from cold and rain in their kayak displacements, when going fishing and hunting.It was originally manufactured with caribu skin, and sometimes it was impregnated with fish oil to resist water and make them waterproof.They put their heads, closed with ribbons, and had no central opening.

At present, the clothes of the clothing is the same, the difference is that we call anorak or plumiferous to an equal garment but with a central zipper, and kangured a waterproof type with hood and closure with tapes, more similar to the anorak used by the InuitAnd which is presented with a more sporty style.We place the garment inAlaska, because on that land the Inuit are one of the native ethnic minorities.

Eight Jersey.Arán Islands

Follow the trip to the Islands of Arán, located on the western coast of Ireland, where air and rain increase moisture and cold sensation.We are at the beginning of the 20th century, when the women of the islands wove thick wool sweaters so that the fishermen were warm in the sea.

We have to know an important fact: the moon keeps heat when it is cold and refreshes when it is hot, it is an exceptional insulator.At the beginning they woven of non -treated virgin wool, which made the sweaters have a very bad smell, but they compensated because they were totally waterproof.An Aran sweater can absorb 30% of its weight in water before it starts to soak up.

Sites with meaning

Each stitch has its own and unique meaning: the stitch cable point resembles the fishermen's strings and symbolizes the desire to have a fruitful day in the sea.The Diamond Stitch point imitates the fields of the islands and reflects the desire to have a good harvest.The Zigzag Stitch represents the crooked cliffs of the islands.The Tree of Life Point is the oldest and most original of the sweaters and reflects the importance of the clan depending on the part of the jersey where it is woven.

Vuelta al mundo a través del origen de seis prendas icónicas

Formerly in its elaboration it took about 70 days, since about 100 were needed.000 stitches.The combinations of the design vary depending on the pattern that is followed, it is said that each clan or family had a characteristic drawing, and that the women could identify their relatives by the sweater they carried, in addition, in many designs certain images of Celtic crafts are reproduced.

Current Ochos sweaters are made with different wool, such as puppy or alpaca, and even cotton thread for warm days, but the design is the same;Although the original is in beige or white tone, and they can currently find in different colors.

Chinese pants.Philippines

Next scale, Philippines, does it seem strange, right?No, we have not been wrong: the pants known as Chinese are not originally from China.History is much more complex than one can think.They are also called caquis pants, and we can think that they arise from the mixture of the khaki color and the cotton sarga fabric.Sarga is a fabric made with diagonal threads very close, which confer fabric resistance, is very similar to that of the gabardine.The color comes from an Indian word khak that means "dirty", a tone between beige and green.

When India was an English neighbor.They liked that soon other armies used the same fabric, varying the tone to distinguish and camouflage better.The clothes of this fabric soon jumped to China for their manufacture in models that would have other non -military uses.

Fue enPhilippines donde se empezó a utilizar el término 'chinos'

It was in the Philippines where the term Chinese began to be used, in reference to the work pants, which were sarga and a khaki, since they were imported from China.During the Spanish-American war in the Philippines, American soldiers and pilots preferred to wear these pants, much more comfortable than the officers of their uniforms.

In the fifties and sixty they became famous among young American students, especially for the styles of Hollywood actors.But it was during the nineties of the last century when it was more successful thanks to the casual Friday, that is, the employees of the offices were allowed that on Fridays they went to work with a more relaxed clothing.The popularity of the Chinese shot then, they were urban pants similar to those of dress but with informal appearance.Thus they went from being a military garment to be part of the urban uniform par excellence, regardless of style, age or social class.

Marine t -shirt.France

France arises on the track of the shirt or striped sweater, the typical sailor.We do not cease to be amazed at the number of garments that are created by: climate, comfort, work, the marine army.

The striped sweater, called Matelot in French, appears in the 18th century, in the clothes of the French fishermen of Normandy and Brittan.These sweats sewed their wives with wool threads that bought the Legallais family (in Saint James), and were buttoned on the shoulder.

They appear with French fishermen, if they fell into the sea, they distinguished themselves better between waves

The growth of this garment occurred in 1858, when it appeared in the Official Gazette as part of the uniform of the French Navy, the striped shirt was used as an inner garment, below the white shirt with blue neck.

One of his peculiar was that he had 21 stripes (one for each victory of Napoleon), and the white ones had to be twice as wide than the original navy blue.In addition the garments were made with special seam.

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New stage, now in Scottish lands of the chemist Charles Macintosh, to know one of the tissues that revolutionized the industry by creating a waterproof fabric that has endured in time.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Macintosh, while investigating how to recycle coal waste, discovered the waterproof qualities of mixing natural rubber and burnt coal dust.Introduced a layer of this combination between two cotton fabrics, and thus the waterproof fabric was born.

Since he patented his fabric until he made his first impermeable gabardina, he spent only one year.His first predicted the name of Mackintosh (his last name with a ‘K’ interspersed), and from there these types of garments have received the abbreviated name of Mac.

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Now, China, although in reality, should be made in Venice, England and end in the United States to make the full tour since the idea arose to the marketing of sunglasses.

The first thing that comes to mind if we think about why dark crystals were invented in the glasses, is to protect us from the sun's rays.But nothing is further from reality, the first to wear quartz lenses smoked the Chinese judges, about 1430.During the trials they did not want their gaze and expression to reveal, ahead of time, the verdict.

Chinese judges were the first to wear dark glasses

Data also appears in Italy, in the fifteenth century, more specifically in Venice where glasses with green crystals were used to improve the perception of the water color of the channels.

And in England, in 1730, the pins were created.Later, in 1752, the English optic James Ayscoough began to dye the crystals in green and blue tones for medicinal purposes, to improve sensitivity problems to sunlight, especially for people with syphilis, since it is one of the symptoms of this sickness.

However, we owe the Mass marketing the American company Foster Grant.In 1929, he saw the business in the golden years of Hollywood, and began the production and distribution of solar glas.

Otro dato importante es la demanda, en 1933, el ejército de Estados Unidos pidió a la empresa óptica Bausch & Lomb unas gafas para que sus aviadores pudieran evitar los deslumbramientos en sus maniobras en el aire.In 1937 the first Ray-BAN ("Rayos Barrera" in English) were born in English).Also in that same year the first polarized crystals appeared.

We return to Spain, the Cottet Optical Company, Specialist in Glasses, creates its first sunglasses in 1930.In addition, it was the pioneer to sell brands that began to be known in other countries, such as the aforementioned Ray-Ban.

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