Are you interested in fashion design? This is how you can train

By : ujikiu / On : 17/03/2022

  1. carmen garcia

Fashion design has been influenced throughout its history by diverse cultures and societies that vary over time and place. Worldwide, this sector is one of the most dynamic, encompassing a wide range of activities that range from the transformation of natural materials (cotton, wool, etc.) to the generation of threads and fabrics. In more specific data, according to the Report: The Fashion Sector in Spain: Challenges and challenges, the 27 countries of the European Union generate 350,000 million dollars for the sector every year, above the United States or China.

Thanks to Inditex, Spain has established itself as the fast fashion exporting country, achieving a turnover of 2,017 million euros in 2014, 9.3% more than the previous year. In addition, this sector is one of the most important in the weight of the national economy, representing 2.8% of GDP. However, it requires specialized knowledge to better understand your investment and improvement opportunities.

The leading companies in this country, Zara and Mango, have generated great interest in obtaining Spanish brands from many operators in the sector. In recent years, this sector in Spain has shown an enormous capacity to adapt to a global and competitive environment.

training schools

In order to acquire a specialization in this area, different university degrees have been implemented, such as the Official University Degree in Fashion Design, prepared to lead the technological revolution in the sector. ESNE offers students this study plan that is completed in four years in Madrid. It was the first center where studying Fashion Design rose to the category of University Degree. Future designers have the opportunity to participate in official catwalks twice a year, in addition to attending national events such as Mercedes Benz Fashion Week or MOMAD, the International Fashion Show in Madrid.

The Higher School of Design of Madrid is the main Public Center for the Teaching of Higher Design Studies in the Community of Madrid. Its objective is to investigate and respond to social demands by training professionals in the sector through the four design specialties with a degree level: interiors, graphics, fashion and products. It currently has more than 700 students distributed among the four specialties. In order to access this school, it is necessary to pass a common entrance test for all specialties that has two exercises. The first will have a maximum duration of two hours and will be written and of a theoretical nature, while the second will be a practical part.

¿Te interesa el diseño de moda? Así es cómo puedes formarte

This sector has more and more opportunities in the capital, and the IED Moda Madrid School has established itself as a study center that encourages the identification of new ideas, materials, etc. Within its offer, the European Double Degree Program in Fashion Design and Fashion Stylist stands out, which takes place the first two years in Madrid, the third in Milan and the last one again in Madrid. Its objective is to be able to develop new business strategies and communicate fashion correctly and in numerous media. The requirements that are needed to be eligible for access to this program are: to have a Bachelor's degree and to pass the Entrance Examination that is carried out in Madrid in June and September.

This school offers the Higher Degree in Fashion Design, Official University Degree level in which it offers complete knowledge in this sector for four years. It has the peculiarity that upon reaching the third year, the student chooses to specialize in an itinerary between Prêt-à-porter, Accessories or Styling and Communication.

Pattern making and tailoring

Patternmaking is another specialization within this area and the IED Madrid school has the Higher Level Training Cycle in Patternmaking and Fashion that, by completing it in two years, the student will be able to master the techniques of Haute Couture, will be able to develop modeling on mannequin and will defend itself in the volume of garments. The Madrid Goymar Professional School of Fashion also offers the specialty of Industrial Patternmaking, providing the student with the necessary training to develop the technological phase prior to the industrial manufacturing process, the development of the pattern and its application in different garments. This course is developed through two closed and independent levels throughout a school year each.

Some schools that are not far behind in this new revolution are Kroomdos, which defines itself as an artistic research school-workshop and has a wide range of courses, including Fashion Design, Industrial Pattern Making and Scaling, etc.

As for tailoring, the IED has a One Year Course in Tailoring, which offers a complete education to acquire technical knowledge: from the most classic area to a more commercial vision.

Sewing, the beginning of everything

It is the activity by which fabrics are made and is the beginning of the entire world of fashion. Despite the fact that in the past its importance was highly valued and practically the female sector of the population defended itself perfectly in this area, today its use has decreased. However, it is still the fundamental pillar of fashion and there are schools with sufficient capacity to train future professionals in this sector. Divina Costura is a workshop located in Madrid that teaches personalized and reduced Sewing and Pattern Making courses (6 people).

In Spain they also join this workshop and, specifically, in Donostia, at the Asun Domínguez Fashion Academy and Studio, they have a sewing course whose objectives are to master the techniques of industrial clothing and learn to make arrangements in a professional.

Do it Yourself

This new fashion is going viral all over the world, and it is becoming more and more common to find people who have become truly passionate about "Do it Yourself" art or "do it yourself". This movement originated in the United States and has become the best entertainment for those who seek to fully exploit their creative capacity on the Internet. We not only see DIT in fashion through YouTube channels, but also cover many other topics such as cooking, DIY or own music.

The first Spanish online platform dedicated to the world of "Do it Yourself" was carried out by four Sevillian entrepreneurs, three architects and a publicist. "I do project" was released in 2012 and has thousands of followers and customers from this country. It welcomes all kinds of creative techniques such as object design, kitchen recipes, sewing, etc.

Another example of DIT is present in PINTEREST, a tool for uploading things made by oneself in which you can observe the entire procedure of how it was carried out.

In short, the fashion sector offers multiple possibilities that allow today's young people to become true professionals in this sector.
