Andrea Silva: "When I'm sad it shows in my clothes"

By : ujikiu / On : 23/10/2022

Quality with femininity.Thus Andrea Silva defines her style.She is from Guayaquil and it is usual to see her to build trips to Peru, the United States or Colombia to buy fabrics and create her own garments.He studied fashion design at Chio Lecca and updates his knowledge through the Internet.Fashion creative likes bag.It bothers him that his underwear is noticed.


Even so, I admire Jennifer Lopez's style: he says he knows how to choose what to wear on each occasion."I like that she knows her body, her skin tone and exploits that knowledge in what you saw".In addition, he says, he is a good reference for how to look good.Try to follow her steps of being impeccable, not in vain she was makeup by giving birth to her daughter, Rafaela Vidal, who is already five years old.

You look very good!You have a different style...

Thank you very much!I belong to the group of women who do not reveal age, but I have good genes and I have not needed to resort to the Botox.

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Andrea Silva:

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You are a marketing manager in a company, but you also have your entrepreneurship to design clothes, therefore accounts with different dress styles...

Definitely.When I go to the office I lean for the classic and sober.No necklines.And when I change the chip and I put on the designer, I like to mix textures and prints.I like the idea of breaking schemes.

What combination goes through your mind when you don't want to get so creative?

There are not the combinations, I put a dress, since this garment takes you out of any hurry.And if you want, you can use them with sports shoes or heels.

How do you update in fashion?

I like the internet!I review the social networks of bloggers, designers...

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Speaking of Ecuador, the style of who you rescue or who is your reference of national fashion?

I have no referents here.There is no one who has a style that loves me.However, as a designer I like Fabrizio Célleri, his designs are a fusion.

What is the most in your closet?

Accessories, because they are the complement to any outfit.There are shoes, wallets and glasses.In these elements I do not spare and pay.

How much did you pay for your most economical portfolio?

It's a party BCBG, I paid $ 200.

What are you doing with what you no longer use?

I give it away.I like to give something to someone who esteem a lot.I don't like selling.

What will you use at Christmas?

A gold or green dress, or with prints in those tones.

In a nutshell

* Red lipstick: seducer.

* Black dress: passion.

* Alejandra Jaramillo: It has a sexy, seductive style, sometimes I had excesses when wearing tight garments and those looks do not go for the morning.

* Jennifer Lopez: I love it.You have good advice, you are always ready for every occasion.