All the new public aid that you can request in 2022: Bonds for Rent and Culture, Digital Kit, Son benefit

By : ujikiu / On : 11/11/2022

2022 It will be a year of changes for your pocket: in addition to the January slope - especially steep by the Light Rate, the shopping basket or the price of housing, among other factors - that same month comes newssuch as the increase in the quota of the self -employed, the increase in the price of cars and the update of pensions.

This would be added to the increase or creation of taxes, with which the government expects a record collection this year and, finally, there is also good news in the form of economic support for different sectors of society.

After agreements in Extremis, the government achieved a majority of favorable votes for the General State Budgets, which have been described as centered on youth and with a historical increase in social spending, with 6 out of 10 euros for this field.

These are the new public aid by 2022, without clear dates of entry into force in some cases:

Bonus for rent of 250 euros

This help, contemplated in the State Housing Access Plan 2022-2025, could be an investment of 200 million euros and seeks to help youth in the payment of housing rental.

The requirements to access the rental bonus are:

Todas las nuevas ayudas públicas que puedes solicitar en 2022: bonos para el alquiler y la cultura, Kit Digital, prestación por hijo

In addition, in the case of the most vulnerable family units, this bonus may be complemented with direct rental aid of up to 40% of its value.

Digital kit for freelance up to 12.000 euros

On December 30, the BOE published the ETD/1498/2021 order, which approved "the regulatory bases of the granting of aid for the digitalization of small businesses, microenterprises and people in a situation of self -employment", in the frameworkof the Spain Digital 2025 Agenda, the EU Pyme Digitization Plan.

Known as a digital kit program, it offers a digital bonus or help to SMEs and freelancers to invest in digital services.

Depending on the size of the business, companies will be able to access the following amounts of the Digital Bonus:

400 euros cultural bond

Another of the new benefits is the 400 euros cultural bond that the government will deliver to those adolescents who turn 18 this 2022, with the declared objective of bringing culture to this age group and promoting the sector, and that could reach the middle of year.

Although its content will be detailed more precisely, it is known that the beneficiaries will have an effective year since its implementation to spend the 400 euros on cultural consumption: this will include from traditional culture (such as cinema, festivals, subscriptions...) even video games, but bulls, fashion, design and gastronomy are left out.

There are also other stops for their expense, such as the fact that only 100 euros can be used for cultural digital content.

Help by son, 100 euros per month

Finally, among the new public aid of 2022 is the provision of up to 100 euros per month for each son or daughter for families that receive the minimum vital income or have low economic income:

Each family unit benefiting children from 0 to 3 years will receive 100 euros per month;There will be 70 euros per month for families with children from 3 to 6 years and 40 euros per month if they have children from 6 to 18 years old.

This help came into force on January 1.