A shirt to scratch yourself and other inventions of the famous that you did not know

By : ujikiu / On : 26/04/2022

EvergreenBy:: Raquel Ortiz,Published 6 Sep 2019 – 06:06 PM EDT | Updated 6 Sep 2019 – 06:06 PM EDTReactShare

Probably when we think of the people who created important inventions and ingenious innovations, the first thing that comes to mind is scientists in lab coats or someone dedicated to science or engineering. However, many inventions were actually born out of the curious and creative minds of people who don't necessarily have a Ph.D. in robotics or technology.

In this sense, although it is a bit difficult for you to imagine your celebrities as inventors, they have also found in their creativity and ingenuity the origin of curious, incredible or necessary inventions.

From film director Steven Spielberg, through Michael Jackson to Kanye West, the world of entertainment shows that not everything is film, fashion, music or television. We show you 10 artists who have patented their inventions. Would you have imagined it?

#1 Jamie Lee Curtis

The actress and queen of terror Jamie Lee Curtis considered that it is more effective to have the diaper and wipes together when changing a baby's diaper, so she created a diaper with a small compartment to store wet wipes, which later helps to dispose of the dirty diaper in a more compact way.

#2 George Lucas

The producer, director and creator of one of the most successful sagas in film history, Star Wars, decided to patent the action figure of one of his popular characters: Boba Fett.

#3 Prince

Una camisa para rascarte y otros inventos de los famosos que no conocías

The successful and flamboyant singer Prince designed an incredible portable keyboard, which is listed as the perfect piece to go on tour.

#4 Kanye-West

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It's no surprise that the idea Kanye patented is based on the experience of enjoying an event. The rapper, producer, and designer created an immersive audio/video experience based on two or more front-facing, ceiling-mounted, and even floor-mounted screens that completely immerse you in one incredible, coordinated display.

#5 Steven Spielberg

Acclaimed director and producer Steven Spielberg created a device that makes the director's job easier on set. Its dolly track switch allows directors to make smooth camera changes without having to stop recording.

#6 James Cameron

Visionary director, producer and sci-fi fanatic James Cameron has introduced us to multiple worlds throughout his films. His 1989 film The Abyss led him to create the best conditions for underwater cinematography and that is why he, together with his brother, created a kind of underwater propulsion system for a camera operator.

#7 Michael Jackson

We can't deny the awe of watching Michael Jackson dance, from his iconic moonwalk to when he defied gravity in 'Smooth Criminal'. If you've always wondered how he achieved that incredible incline, the answer lies in the shoes he invented, which sit a little higher than the ankle and have a modified sole that allows them to catch up with the ground and 'shift your center of gravity'. .

#8 Paula Abdul

Singer, former American Idol judge, and famous choreographer Paula Abdul really can't just be in one spot on stage, so she created a microphone stand that allows her to even rock with the same microphone stand.

#9 Francis Ford Coppola

We have all seen ourselves in the situation of having an itch in some part of the back and you cannot express where exactly the itch is. Film director Francis Ford Coppola considered it pertinent to create something that will help us better express our ailment and he created this shirt with numbers to better guide the person who does you the favor of scratching you.

#10 Marlon Brando

Double Academy Award winner Marlon Brando had a passion for percussion instruments so it's no surprise that he holds two patents related to these musical instruments. One of them is a drum that helps its tuning.

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