31 free online courses that you can start in July to learn a new skill without having to pay anything

By : ujikiu / On : 22/06/2022

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4 comentarios
Gabriela González @gabriela2400

If the heat does not take away the desire to learn and want to take advantage of these summer days to immerse yourself in some subject, win a new ability or improve what you already had, in Genbeta we give you a hand.

We have collected a list with 31 free online courses dictated by instructors from institutions and universities of mainly Spain and Latin America, but also from the rest of the world.All courses are in Spanish (or have subtitles), and you only need to create an account on the platform where it is offered to start learning.

31 cursos online gratuitos que puedes comenzar en julio para aprender una nueva habilidad sin tener que pagar nada

Note: All courses are free, in some cases the basic material is open or complete courses can be taken in audit mode, there is even the possibility of requesting financial aid on platforms such as Coursera.Only certificates and certain elements such as evaluations or additional support have cost.

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